March 27, 2013

31 Good Things - 26 & 27

#26 - The hardwood floors!

It's been two and a half years since the remodel and we've been very diligent about sweeping up and cleaning the floors.  We asked specifically what we should clean these floors with and they said the Swiffer.  Yep.  The Swiffer.  But while the dry Swiffer would catch all of the dog hair and dirt clods - it didn't actually clean the floors.  So many moons ago we switched to a cloth "sweeper" to gather everything and then use the wet Swiffer pads.  On Monday I was fed up with looking at the floors.  They seemed dull and I knew that, like with our old wood floors - I had to be able to use something more on them.  But they seemed adamant that we would ONLY need the swiffer until the floors needed refinishing.  

No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.

So I tested some of the Bruce hardwood floor polish in an area and after I deemed it safe and oh. so. beautiful - I decided this would be the day to take on this massive chore.  I knew we had sponge mop somewhere out in the garage - but I looked to no avail.  The garage is Disasterville after football season and winter and I could look for hours and not find something - even if it was right under my nose.  So I went to task with rags on my hands and knees.  I have a scab/sore on each of my knees from putting two coats on the floors - but they're worth it.  The floors are restored to (practically) brand new.  There are a few dog claws marks and those marks where someone dropped something and chose not to tell MOTY or WOTY that there's a new chip or "dent" in the flooring.  But even those are less visible with this beautiful shine on.

So Good Thing #26 makes me happy three days later as I notice the incredible, deep, rich shine on my "old" - new wood floors!

But that brings me to #27.  With Wack home and working at the golf course this week - I'm left to either go transportationless or drive The Dad back and forth.  Seeing as he's working relatively close - I chose the latter.  After all - I've got my workouts to get to and... crap to drop off at the Goodwill truck down the way.  I've been piling some stuff up in bags out on the garage steps but after not being able to find the mop on Monday and more stuff piling up on the steps nearly daily - after my workout and luncheon I attended yesterday afternoon - I found the unimaginable energy to start the garage clean up process.

I said "start".  I did not finish by any means.  You have to understand...  The time The Dad had after the company he worked for, sold - leaving him unemployed last fall - allowed him to do some crafts and perfect his tailgating.  That meant he added more stuff to the garage.  More tools.  More supplies.  More drill bits.  More washers.  More tape.  More more more!  And while he used nearly everything he bought - he left all of the bags, receipts and empty "supplies" packages - all. over. the. place.  The Christmas lights he took down in early February were coiled up but hanging from hooks.  The tree stand was up against the wall with crusty old leaves that had blown in over the months.  There were THREE fifths of Fireball (Hey WAYNEEEEE.....) on the shelves with the paint and wasp killer.

So I cleared out all of the crap on the side of the garage where I park that was up against the walls.  The garbage bin, recycle bin, the UW and Rush FIJI holy board games, the tree stand and snow blower...  and then I swept nearly the entire garage.  I started putting stuff that belongs inside (Fireball, bathroom tile cleaner???, clothing that needs washing) on the steps and realized they were full of dirt, rocks and mostly dog hair... so I swept them.  I organized all of the spray paints, the various instruction manuals that littered his "work bench" and then decided - HE gets to dust off and clean the bench.  This weekend.  When it's 70 degrees.

I brought in all of the stuff that needed to be brought in - dusted off, washed off those things that needed it and put them away. I took a giant load to the Goodwill truck and marveled at what work I was able to accomplish AFTER getting home from the luncheon - when I could have easily come in and procrastinated at doing laundry.  

Of course - The Dad doesn't like me poking and prodding around the garage (his space) - because I throw shit away.  Or give it away - such was the case of a few of those water bottle thingys and some old walkie talkie things we got years ago.  But c'mon - we all know if I waited for him to straighten it up - it would be July.  AND the things we no longer use - would be kept in another spot to collect dust.  No.  Thank.  You.

I love spring.  I love a clean garage.  I love my clean floors.  Next up:  This weekend we get to clear out the flower beds of deadness from last fall and all of the dried leaves stuck in and under bushes.  Good stuff!  But still too soon to plant... if you live in The Can, you know it will likely snow about 7 more times before the end of May.

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