March 19, 2013

31 Good Things - Day 18 & 19

Once upon a time, there were 3 little boys with their young parents.  It was the time of year where parents everywhere plan the day and time they will go visit Santa at the local mall.  This particular family never thought much about what the boys would wear, just made sure they were clean and semi-matched.  They had always gone to the same spot in the mall for pictures with Santa - never quite sure what kind of Santa they'd get.  

What they didn't know this particular year, that particular day - was that the Santa that was in their usual "shop" this year - would become their Santa for years to come.  He would eventually "move" with the remodeling and rebuilding of the downtown mecca.  

This Santa had asked each of these boys what they wanted from him this year.  It is not recalled what they said, though none of them said "basketball, hoop, jersey" - nothing that would point Santa to say this:

Santa:  "I'll bet I know who your favorite basketball player is."
Little Wiz:  "Who?"
Santa:  "John Stockton"
Little Wiz:  Wide eyed with amazement - gives a knowing smile.

As we walked away, The Little Wiz says to his younger Blue Eyed brother:  "We better be good, Ry.  He really DOES know everything."

When the family went on their visit the next year, Santa was not at that same ole spot.  When they inquired when he might be on "shift" some nice person informed them that that Santa could be found in Nordstrom until the new mall was finished.  So the family made there way there, to the very long line, and more expensive prices - to see the "Santa who knew everything."

As the years went by, those boys got older and "making" them go see Santa got harder and harder.  The mom pressed The Dad of the family to get the boys "into" it because one day, the Santa that always said "I was wondering when you and these boys were going to get here." to The Mom - was not going to be there.  

The past couple of years, when the lady and the man went to movies during "Santa" time at the mall, she always made it a point to see "their Santa" and even say hello... and for the past few years, he has not been there.  Then, this past Sunday, the lady opened up the paper and found - the obituary with his name on it.  No, she had never known his last name - but she knew his face, his eyes and his first name.  The name so many families knew him as... well, with "Santa" in front of it.  


Santa Elmer.

He passed away in December, but the celebration of  his life was yesterday.  

Thank you for the memories.  Thank you for caring for so many families and helping their children to Believe in the Magic of Christmas.

Santa Elmer


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