December 5, 2012

Two Of My Finest Accomplishments

On Thursday, December 6, 2012 - my oldest son, #7 - will turn 23 and my youngest son, Wack - will turn 19.
These are two, of my three - greatest accomplishments.
#7 - 9 pounds 12 ounces - born at 2:39AM.  Doc says "Linebacker" and for years we joked that the doc got it wrong.  He was a quarterback.  No matter now... he's a safety, a wizard, a national champion, a valedictorian, a two time state champion, a competitive cribbage player, a competitive ping pong player - well, heck, he's competitive at EVERYTHING.  He's got beautiful hair, he's as smart as they come, he's got a great crooked middle finger, my ugly toes, my great smile and the ability to make me see when I'm wrong.  (The Dad does not possess this power.)  He puts other first, gives them all the credit, works harder than anyone I know, dreams, laughs, loves and I am so very, very, very proud of him.
Wack Attack - 7 pounds, 12 oz - born at 8:31AM.  The smallest baby became the tallest man.  The boy who laughs!  A lot!  My cuddler, home body boy - has turned into the Bright Lights, Big City young man in Seattle.  He grew up, and out of my home before I could take time to relish in diaper changing, sleeping baby, strollers, bottles and everything from December 6, 1993 to now.  He earned his spot at 4503 17th Ave NE in the classroom, on the field or court and with his honest, down home, friend to all - good nature and work ethic.  He believes in what is right and just and isn't afraid to voice his thoughts.  He has my smile, but not my toes.  He gets comfortable in his surroundings and made the huge step from being an only child (for 2 years) to living in a house with 100 other people and he acclimated, easily.  He made my job easy.
Happy, Happy Birthday to my December 6th baby boys.  I am so very fortunate - that God gave me you. 

1 comment:

  1. I miss being able to click "top notch." Happy Birthday to your boys. What a beautiful tribute to them...and to you.

