December 31, 2012

Kissing 2012 Goodbye... Na Na Na Na... Na Na Na Na...

So I'm making it a point to finish off 2012 on "The Blog".  I'll delve a bit into WHY it's been so difficult to make this new start on Year 2 so difficult at the end of today's post.  I'm sure I'll forget many things that happened over the course of the year - but I'm going to take a stab at reviewing our year.

January 2012.  That's easy.  I got a new job.  I started on January 3, 2012.  The month was a blur because learning live TV, the terminology, and the many facets I was in charge of on a daily basis made me dizzy.  I love being busy, but this was silly.  ANNNND, I usually catch on super quick, to the point where I shoo people away saying "I got it.  I got it." and then proceed to make the position organized, usually too organized - as in... could work myself out of a job kind of organized.  But not here.  Not this place.  It took me a good 4 months to get this to semi-organized and 8 months to get to "much better organized" and just this month (which would be 12 months) I got it to "super fucking organized."   This is ALL I can remember from January.  

February 2012.  I think the only thing that happened in 28 days of February was the Rubber Chicken contest where one Wack was one of the boy cheerleaders for the spirit contest.  Something might have happened on Valentines Day, but since The Dad and I don't really celebrate holidays so much - I highly doubt I'm missing anything here.  Oh wait.  FAFSA.  TIMES 3.  Need I say more.  February 2012 - *POOF*

March 2012.  On March 2, The Dad and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary.  The following night, Saturday, March 3 - The Dad and I extended our anniversary out in Cheney to watch the EWU Men's Basketball team in the Big Sky Tournament Quarterfinals... I remember this because in my cell phone, I sent a text to my pal, Pat, to see if he was going or was there as I scanned the corners of the arena looking for him.  He responded that he was home watching the GU womens' game.  That would be my last communication with my friend Pat, as he then entered the hospital, knowing himself, but not sharing with others, that he knew this was the last time he would be a guest there.  My friend Pat died on March 9th as I sat at my desk and across my phone came a text from Robin that said only this:  "He's gone."  2012, coupled with only months before - September 2011... were turning into the perfect shitstorm called "Fuck you world.  W. T. F.?"  His memorial service at his beloved high school was set for a time we would be travelling and as I look back now - it's probably good I didn't go.  I mean... if I'm ever going to let that foul mouthed pipsqueak see me cry it was NOT going to be at John R. Rogers High School.  I wore yellow... that was bad enough!  On a happier note and probably not by coincidence - on March 15th, Wack drove home DURING school to check the mail - his UW acceptance letter was in the box... and yes... the school colors are purple and gold.  Can you say k-k-k-karma!?!?  <nod to above.  Okay.  You win.  THIS one.>

April 2012.  We started the month off in Cabo San Lucas.  Year 2 visiting there.  After this visit I told The Dad, without reservation... that we should move there.  I was adamant.  BUT... not until after Wack started college.  I needed to be near to him when he left - at least for the first year.  But shortly after our arrival back in The Can, his boss finalized his longtime efforts, work, desire and named him the Vice President of IT at Family Home Care.  No more moving to Mexico.  Drat.  Ryan celebrated his 20th birthday and we took in a night of Moms Weekend down in Pullman.  We weren't able to take in the Kelly Clarkson concert - but did get to have lunch with Suze, Lois and co before heading home and trying to get organized to head back to work.  April was the month I gave notice for the first time at the new job.  Why?  Because I was being utilized not as the position was posted, written up, advertised... but instead, to simply write shit down that sat there for days... and days... and days.  I had a pow wow with my boss and we seemed to get somewhere, so I met the next day, week... month, with a renewed sense of energy, errrrr sort of.  But the responsible thing I told myself, was to give this a chance.  The job needed to be done the way the other assistant does the job.  I'm more than a warm body... let's make this efficient, good and oh... by the way - if you shoo your hand at me again when I'm working late for you... well, you can watch me walk out the door.

May 2012.  Okay.  So so so so busy at work and still trying to plan a final high school graduation party.  Order the announcements... details details details!  Pay UW this deposit.  Pay UW that deposit.  Make sure all sorts of scores were sent from the various reporting agencies to UW.  Wack was being recruited by several fraternities so we took a road trip and while The Dad and I stayed at a friends place very near to the campus, Wack stayed with some boys we know at the FIJI house.  We had dinner with Uncles Rich & Phill at the Washington Athletic Club, walked around downtown Seattle and imagined life in Seattle for Wack and trips over there - just us with no fuss of games to be at, groups to connect with to carpool... and so on.  Wack met with a few of the other houses that were recruiting him (FIJI's not being one of them) but then spent the night playing basketball, and WHO KNOWS what else with the Phi Gamma Delta (FIJI) boys.  We picked him up the next morning, stopped for a visit to the Nike outlets and home again, home again...

June 2012.  Zach Attack graduates from Joel E. Ferris High School.  All five family members were now grads of the Scarlet & Silver.  The party thrown, his new job starts at Hangman Valley Golf Course with his big brother Ry... and they're off to the races!  For the first time in a few years all three boys will be participants - AGAIN - in Spokane's own, very fine, very large - WORLDS LARGEST 3-on-3 street basketball tournament, Hoopfest.  #7 was out on the first day (first time in history), Zach and Ry both endured very physical games late into the day on Sunday but no one came home as champs this year.  There was also... The Dad and I took part in "The Dirty Dash" which... we talked up and down the halls at work, home, the aisles in the store, yelled it from our cars.  Best "event" ever.  Loved it.  We have every expectation that every person we know... will do it on July 13, 2013.  (Registration begins on 1/2/13, in case you were wondering). 

July 2012.  The Dad and I were honored to be invited to the wedding of our friends daughter.  It was a classy, small affair at The Davenport Hotel and as the reception started to take off with these young kids dancing to "Dancing Queen" and such...  the boys (Greg and Jeff) disappeared to use the restroom.  On their way back they found that there were a few other receptions... much much larger receptions going on in much much bigger ballrooms.  Receptions with chocolate fountains and no one that knew who we all were.  We ate and conversed with several people.  People we didn't know, people we did... and officially crashed a wedding.  Pretty sure The Dad found himself a yamaka to wear too.  Yes.  Seriously.  Lord, hear my prayer.  In mere days after such fun with friends, did The Dad walk into work, sit down for a meeting with the owner of FHC and the other 6 team leaders - to find out that the owner sold the company and four of them were losing their jobs to the new company.  Though it wasn't so cut and dry.  Lots of wishy washy and refusal to provide them with details as panic was setting in.  July was ending... not. great.

August 2012.  Was crap.  Period.  The only highlight was the arrival of "Black Jeff" (this is so... politically incorrect) at the property in Demingham.  "Black Jeff" was a calf that was given to Rob (Sarah & Katies' dad).  Big Jeff was there the day "Black Jeff" arrived and to this day, though I've heard the story... I'm not sure how the cow got the name Jeff.  I just know that everyone felt there was a need to be able to tell MY Jeff and the cow, both now named Jeff... apart.  The addition of "black" in front of "Jeff" for the cow was what they came up with.  This provided laughter when laughter was needed.  (Black Jeff is thankfully, still with us.)

September 2012.  Officially, The Dad was no longer working.  So he took to crafts and spending severance money on much needed items for upcoming tailgates for #7's final season of football at EWU.  We also spent time and some of that severance money on new road bikes that my big bro took time to educate us about and shop with/for us.  Since that time I have crashed twice and have a lovely chain scar on my leg.  You know it!  <sigh>  We spent 9.16.12 in Demingham with the Kinnunen counterparts and the entire community of Deming to remember a beautiful daughter, sister, cousin, niece, granddaughter, friend, confidant, leader... named Sarah.  Mere days later we moved Wack to 4503 17th in Seattle.  Oh... right... in June, though he wasn't being recruited by the FIJI Rush Chairs - his night there, with them in May - sealed the deal.  He was their first bid, here in The Dan, in early June.  So we moved him in to the house that, when you walk into it, you feel, (if you know Harry Potter) that you have just walked into the great hall and dormitories at Hogwarts.  Shortly thereafter, the season that was shaping up to be #7's big year - came to an abrupt halt with the broken collarbone injury he suffered on September 29th.  This young man who is so passionate about competing was going to now be a teaching tool.  He's learned so much over the years, played and won and done things many others will never do - but his reaction to his injury would now be a tool for others that may face the same hand in the years to come.  But did this mean an end to our tailgating and support?  HECK NO!  We won't go!  Tailgate on baby... we're in it with him whether he's on the field or off.  Some people just have never learned that lesson.  But that's another tangent that I must leave in 2012.  

October 2012.  I turned 43 and lost 8 pounds.  I gave notice for the 3rd time and "they" came up with a plan that I told them "you realize this is a temporary bandaid, right?"  But "they" kept asking me to hang in there.  Hold tight.  They don't want to lose me.  Tic tic tic tic.... Ryno Minn started a radio show down at WSU (Thursday nights) 8-10p,  Starts back up soon.  Make a note of it.  

November 2012.  We pretty much spend the entire month of November counting down the days to our family Turkey Bowl.  This was our 10th.  Not only do we love that time with the K's & the P's THAT much, we found a way to extend our weekend with them by adding an additional "Turkey Bowl" competition.  While the football portion of the Turkey Bowl takes part ON Thanksgiving Day... the new bowling edition of the bowl followed on Saturday.  Originally scheduled for Friday - we had to postpone it a day due to the Friday play of the Apple Cup.  Best.  Day/Weekend.  Of.  The.  Year.  Hands down.  The other great thing about November 2012 - was not The Dads attempt at growing a beard... but rather Blue Eyes appointment to the IFC at WSU.  A paid position!  He is the Director of Public Relations.  What.  A.  Studly Dudley.  He was also a stand up brother and made the trek to Vancouver with us for #7's game in Portland and hung out with his old parents and aunt and uncle while there.

December 2012.  Wayne made the blog.  Wayne didn't want to make the blog, but he did so in fine form.  We made it to the... pardon me... the EWU Football boys made it to the semi-finals and we had the strings to our hearts tugged mightily that last tailgate.  Love those boys.  The Minn family made the trek to Demingham for Christmas again and enjoyed our Deming family so much.  We learned about and watched "Duck Dynasty" and ate entirely too much.  Our family of 5 finally opened gifts on the 27th with no fuss, no hurry, no stress.  Okay... a little stress - considering I had to work that day.  OH... but that day.  Two really great things happened.  The Dad had been a part of a tug-o-war with three companies vying for him to join their company.  A real job.  One we knew was a "no way" and honestly, they were slow to pull the trigger.  The second offer was pretty much stalled while he waited on one he was sure was coming from the third place.  The third offer came, clean, precise and professionally handled... so he finally went back to company number 2 and said "Thanks but...."  Then company number 2 said "Well, not so fast..." so The Dad told company number 3 "They said..." to which company number 3 said "We really want you, but you'd be CRAZY not to take it."  So the final offer and paperwork came through on our Christmas, December 27th, 2012.  It was enough of great deal that I was able to... for the fourth, and final time... hand in my letter of resignation.  I pretty much react and quit when I want to - but as I've "grown up" there were bigger things going on that made me stay the course, time after time this past year.  I know there is a reason I was here this past year...  but to know I get to reclaim my self, my life with The Dad, my memory, my humor, my nights (no longer coming home and immediately putting on PJ pants)... my blog, my time.  There is no greater start to 2013, I guarantee you that.

So tonight - minus one very important Minn boy who made an adventure all on his own by buying a TRAIN ticket from Seattle to Portland to spend the next couple of days with his family in The Couve.... the rest of us plus two girl friends will pile into Hugo's for our annual New Years Eve bowling before kids all head out to other engagements... The Dad and I will come home, turn on the TV, put in a flick, crack some crab and toast to new beginnings once again.  Welcome... welcome... 2013.

1 comment:

  1. Dammit, I miss the "Top Notch" box to check. Happy New Year!

