January 20, 2013

4 Down, 1 To Go.

A year and a half ago - we were well buried in television shows we HAD to watch.

Modern Family
Desperate Housewives
Greys Anatomy
Private Practice
The Office
American Idol (though I didn't watch that one so much last year)
The Voice

Then we heard we HAD to give "Dexter" a try and roughly the same time we were told that "Homeland" is a must see.  We started "Dexter" and watched 5 seasons in mere weeks so that we could start up Season 6 on time, with the rest of the world.  We tried, so very hard, to watch Homeland - and it's not that it wasn't good, or gripping - it's that we had too many damn shows to watch AND football season upon us for #7, and at the time, #6 (Z-Man).

So "Homeland" went by the wayside.

"Dexter" is over until September, we catch "The Office" every once in a while, but mostly - not, "American Idol" I'll watch if there is absolutely NOTHING else on.  "The Voice" is over, we are caught up on "Modern Family".  We have an episode each of "Private Practice" & "Greys" to watch but before we can do that - we have to watch the last season of "Sons of Anarchy".

After countless minds and mouths have encouraged, talked it up, tweeted about it, implored us to watch - we fired up the online Netflix on the TV and started season 1 about 10 days ago.  Today we finished the 4th season on Netflix.  We then assumed (my mother always said "Never assume anything.") that we could watch the most recent season on On Demand - much like how we watched every... single... "Dex" episode - but noooooooo.  

Not there.  So The Dad did what had to be done.  He immediately got online to see how or when Netflix would have it and when that was of no help to our cause - he found he could buy it on iTunes for $32.  So then this happened:

WOTY:  "So, if you buy it on iTunes.  How do we watch it on our TV?"
The Dad:  "Well.  In the "olden" days, we would watch it through our Apple TV.  But seeing as we gave that to Z-Man to use at 4503 NE 17th Ave - that's not possible."
WOTY:  "Soooo... what shall we do?"
The Dad:  "We see how late the Apple store is open."
WOTY:  "On it....  <using iPhone5...  6pm>
The Dad:  "If it's 6, I'm gone in an instant."
WOTY:  "It's 6."
The Dad:  <poof!>

This is what empty nest is.  It's about spending $$ on something we already used to own, that we can live without, so that we can finish the 5th season of "Sons" - in the next 2.5 days.  This is not responsible spending.  But it's a dire need.  You understand - right?  I mean, Jax needs me to be there for him, backing him and Tara and volunteering to babysit Abel and Thomas if need be.  

I was thinking this morning while working out at GOLDS GYM - that Spokane needs a "Sons" club.  No gun running or porn crap - but a sweet hangout, some cool biker guys, sweet leather vests, tattoos (even if they are the lickem' stickem' kind for the faint at heart)... 

Who's with me?!?!?!

hubba hubba

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