January 15, 2013

Time For Change... Another Change That Is

On August 7, 2001 we were enjoying friends and fun playing pickleball and drinking lemonade and vodka with friends.  The kids (and there were many of them) were all running around the Stocktons abode & we had given very clear instructions to stay away from the court as the adults were all playing.

Jerry and I were paired up and doing a pretty good job when I went to hit the ball and someone freaking RAMMED into the back of me and I fell forward.  As I turned to give the boys (assumed it was one of mine) a verbal  lashing - I saw no one there. <?>  Huh? Not a child to be found.  I started to get up, my partner coming to my aid as I was stupefied by the empty space behind me and the incredibly loud noise when I got "hit".  And no... it wasn't the alcohol.

Well - many know the story.  That loud "whack" I heard was my Achilles tendon just shredding completely apart.  Nothing that a few tylenol and vodka lemonades didn't help keep at bay as my dear spouse, The Dad, asked "Can I just finish this game?" when something inside of me said out loud "Uhhh... I think we need to go."  He assumed I meant 'home' but I really meant the emergency room.  We did neither and the guys - all four of them - assumed I just twisted the crap out of my ankle.  I still remember Rick carrying me to the car.  Not sure why The Dad didn't.  Hmmmm....

Surgery.  Cast.  Crutches for 6 weeks.  Walking boot for 6 weeks.  Therapy... 2 sessions and finally a normal shoe on my foot... November 7, 2001 - while walking across the bus lane at Moran Prairie, a child steps on the backside of my foot and I feel a pop.  I stopped temporarily - dead in the middle of the walkway when the man with the child says to me "Uh... you're bleeding."  I look down at my ankle, my wonderful new shoe I had been dying to wear for months and hopped over to the little wall in front of the school to sit.  I yelled for Matt Handelmen, then principal and asked him to go call The Dad.  Fortunately, Lisa K was walking out of the building (her husbands partner repaired my achilles in August) and asked what she could do...  Mike and Pat were in surgeries this particular day, but advised her to have The Dad get me down there for an exploratory look, see what happened.  Of course by this time, the wonderful Linda Robb had called 911 and I was now, while waiting for The Dad, flanked with adorable firemen all around me.  They asked, as Jeff piled me into the car, if they could help me with anything else.  I told them all "Yes.  It's November and it's looking like I'm going to be Christmas shopping on crutches in the snow.  So you are all welcome to help me with that."  <sigh>

Eight weeks in a new cast.  Eight weeks in another classy grey walking boot.  6-8 weeks of physical therapy.  While at P.T. my therapists advised that I could ride a stationary bike to help rehab and stretch the injury/wound.  So it was January 2002 when we joined Stay Fit/Oz Fitness (though it wasn't "Stay Fit" and not yet Oz... it was something in between) so I could ride the bikes.  

That was 12 years ago.  During the years the club, which was dated and needed some TLC came under new ownership who, in fact, did an addition and major overhaul to the pool, racquetball courts, added a spinning room and a new gym.  Oh... and an upstairs aeorbics/class room.  What they didn't do when they did this beautiful remodel, was add new machines.  The same bikes I rode in 2001 and were there when I WORKED there when #7 was just a wee babe - are still there.  There are about 6 treadmills that have been there since the clubs inception to be sure and 6 or 7 that have been in the club for at least 10 years.  Those are the "new" ones.  I'll bet they are older than that.  The precore machines are likely the newest of the machines and the three machines that are "like" the precore equipment are a few years old.  But here's my beef...

Each and every day I walk into that club there are numerous machines with "Out of Order" or "Maintenance Required" kinds of signs taped on them.  Today, of the three machines I like to use - only one was in working order.  One of them has had the face plate missing and unconnected for over a week now and the one next to it, today, had a taped "note" on it.  

We were talking about the poor conditions of the equipment the other night and I had an idea to take in a stash of post it notes with "When will this be working?" written on them and go to ALL of the machines that are not in working order and stick in on them.  Send a message.  What businessman - knowing that January 1st and an inundation of New Years Resolution - type folks would  be plowing through the doors, doesn't take the time, invest the money and get the club up to tip top form?

The Dad HAS to remain with OZ Fitness If You Can because of his love of the racquetball courts and his weekly escapade there - but me...  I know there are a few places here on the hill that actually have machines that are less than 5, heck 3 years old.  Multiple machines.  And perhaps, a desire to put forth the work and effort to make sure the people paying your salary through monthly fees - can actually use the machine they want to without having to wait turns.  

Fed up.  Time for a change.  

Doesn't hurt that it's a "reunion year" either.  And you know what that means to us guys n gals!

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