January 9, 2013

Free At Last!

You'd have thought then after packing up my personal belongings, turning out the lights and closing the door to the office behind me - would have had me dying to get home, put on my party boots, refresh my lip gloss and tell The Dad it was time to hit the town.

True, this Friday, January 11th was supposed to have been my last day - originally (from this last, final time giving notice).  But after a week of my superior not speaking to me (because I gave notice) and then plain not telling me - but informing the other assistants she would be out on Dec 31st... to sending an all company email to say who was hired for my position (AFTER telling the other assistants who it was AND allowing my new replacement, who works for the company, the opportunity to let her department know what was what) well, let's just say - I was done with the neurotic, selfish, manipulative, bitchy bitchy  ways of a lonely 48 year old person.  I can't call her a woman so much (most of you know why) or a lady... because she's just... not.  that.  No kids.  Divorced her husband after he went or while he was going through a botched roofing job, among other things...  Ironically I told the big people there that they would have to find a warm body (which is what everyone there says she wants in her assistant with zero self esteem or ability to stand up for themselves.)  The week after I gave notice - so did two others.   But the 3 pm email last Friday sealed the deal and I went to her boss to let him know that "today will be my last day".  I covered my bases - made sure H.R. had an email from him approving said move and turned in keys with emails to everyone that should have knowledge of whom those keys were with, cleaned up my files for whomever took over my computer, filled the "new-old" person in on where I was with everything and how some processes are done differently than when she previously held this position and wrapped up everything by 5:30 - 5:45.  The Dad was anxiously waiting for me - but I just couldn't leave things in disarray.  

When I got home The Dad was dressed in his "Lets go out" best jeans and black shirt.  But I was still processing wtf just happened and how some people just have zero coping skills.  I was blown away.  But not so blown away that we didn't get in touch with our friends to see if they were interested in meeting for an adult beverage at Famous Eds.  Good times ensued and I woke up, not really feeling like I could get a workout in.  

The weekend took us to see "Les Miserables", cleaning out the garage and I began the task of organizing a chaotic laundry room.  Monday had me finishing the laundry room, going through the  upstairs bathroom cupboard and cleaning out old old old... sheets, bed skirts, shower curtains, dog medicine bottles from 2009...  I made a not-so-quick OR inexpensive trip to Hallmark to buy a plethora of birthday cards to send this year.  Tuesday I put away more Christmas/holiday decorations (I really didn't think I put that many out this year), vacuumed out the kennels, washed every blanket in every closet - including old baby blankets - awweeeee, washed the dog bed covers, cleaned out the "other" holiday decoration closet (The Dad gets to pull out the ancient computer towers, yes multiple - because I am quite certain there are life size wolf spiders in those closets).  Today I will move all of the 2012 files out of my desk - my grandfathers amazing desk - and ready all of the 2013 files for "the drawer" and then continue adding to the "craigslist" and "garage sale" piles I have started down there.  

The Dad would prefer I take 6 months off before looking for another job - but my undiagnosed ADHD coupled with not having 180 closets I could clean - aren't likely to keep me "entertained" for long.  Then again - there's a Cabo trip to plan, a Vegas trip to plan, a few Vancouver trips to work on, Dirty Dash and Color Me RAD to sign up for. 

2012 grew me up a bit in keeping me in a less than healthy working environment for me while The Dad was looking for work.  We look back now and realize that my working, coupled with his severance from that place that is no more... allowed him the opportunity to not just jump at the first job offer.  He landed at Providence as a Project Manager and while apprehensive to leave job offer #3 where he is currently consulting through the end of January on top of the new job - has landed on his feet, loves being a hop, skip and jump from home at lunch time, gets to dress casually, and we are slowly getting back to normal after the past 6 months of "she who must not be named" hell.  My back magically began to feel better, my sense of humor is returning along with my quick wit.  Oh... how I've missed me.  

So 2013 is about getting back to me.  Whatever that means.  I just know it's not healthy for anyone to compromise themselves for mediocrity, or worse.  I'm glad I did.  I believe there is a reason I did.  I'm glad we survived it.  I'm so thankful I had tailgates to keep me partially occupied.  

There is one thing I haven't outgrown yet though in my three days of freedom.  I worked out the past three days.  I cleaned the past three days.  I cooked the past three days.  Ran errands the past three days.  But I'm having a hard time breaking the "It's 5:30, I'm home, we're not doing anything so... I'm putting on my pajama pants now" ritual.  Baby steps.  Absolutely.  Baby steps.

Oh, and blog world, Wayne, others... I'm BACK!

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