January 28, 2013

Getting Back On Track

The Dad sent me a text on Friday afternoon asking if I wanted to go out when he got home.  I hadn't been in much of a mood and there really wasn't anything I wanted to do.  I knew though, that the only way to get out of the place I was in at that point - was to make myself get up and go.

I cleaned up the house, myself and when he got home I was dragging again... a bit - but he kenneled up the hounds and started the car.  Off to Famous Eds' we went where we took a spot at one of the tall tables among people we knew and didn't know, ordered ourselves an appetizer and adult beverage and chatted about "stuff".  Not long after we'd ordered, some friends walked in and took up along side us.  The girls got to chatting on one side, the boys on the other.  Soon enough, the boys said they were going to the Ferris basketball game.  We said we'd meet them there after we finished up.  Off they went...  And then the fun began.

It seemed as though anyone we've known through the years walked into Ed's that night.  Conversation, catch up, laughter ensued and soon enough our server asked if we were ready to take care of our tabs.  I laughed - because I was certain that The Dad had paid.  She laughed because she was certain HER husband had paid.  They had not.  So we laughed that off, but told young Riley - we would be back and he better follow our lead on this.  

We hit the game at halftime, I had parked in the bus lane (took a chance, it worked) so we were quick to get out just before the Ferris win.  But just before, The Dad asked Jim "Where to next?" at which point I said "Hey... how much was the tab anyhow?"  The Dads face falls, he looks to Jim and asks how much his tab was and Jim looks to Kim and says "Hey... how much was our tab?"  Kim looks at Jim and says "What?  I didn't pay the tab."  We scolded the boys and said we were going to have to go back to Eds.  They walked out feeling semi proud of themselves for dining and dashing - and also embarrassed that they were going to have to walk in and apologize profusely.

Kim and I rode together - waited until the guys walked in and then made our way from the car.  Hilarity ensued, we pulled it off well.  We ordered a cocktail as the rest of the south hill, Moran Prairie, Ferris parents that we've ever met started pouring into Famous Eds.  When Riley brought our drinks around he told The Dad that the guy in the black shirt with his back to the window got our first round.  Jeff points to Jerry, Riley says "no, over by the window" and The Dad is stumped.  He asks me "Who is that?"  Turns out it's a guy I graduated with from Ferris - who's little brother is who we got Boone from.  Jeff heads over to say thank you while I'm in conversation with the masses and comes back and says "Apparently you bought him a coffee a few weeks ago?"

WOTY:  "I did?"
The Dad:  "That's what he said.  In the Starbucks drive thru?"
WOTY:  "Huh.  Cool."

I exited my spot and went to talk to Troy and his table partners and explained that every Friday, in the Starbucks drive thru - I pay for the drink for the person in the car behind me.  I used to pay attention to the car, the people in it - now I don't look back BUT still have to ask what the person behind me ordered.  I don't care what they are drinking - I just need to make sure they didn't order 4 drinks, an entire loaf of the lemon cake and croissant!  As it were, apparently, Troy was the recipient of this one day and now he was reciprocating, in kind, plus some!  We had a great chat, his pal Kelly asked when I would be heading through the drive thru next week on Friday and off I went back to the table.  

I used to do the "Pay It Backward" in the line on paydays only, but this year, thus far, have done it every Friday.  Over the past couple of years I would say - I have been the recipient of this maybe 3-4 times a year and the feeling it leaves you with is gratitude, appreciation, thankfulness. Usually, when it happens to me, whether it's a Friday or not - I will, in turn, buy the drink for the person behind me then as well.  Someone made my day, why would I stop the cycle?  Then I hope the person behind me will keep it going.

So Friday night, being able to talk to a good friends about the "stuff", coupled with my Friday generosity coming full circle to not only me, but The Dad and our friends, the banter that ensued with the rest of the crew that ended up at our table about all of our boys, what's next, who will get married first and what fun the first wedding will be, closing down Famous Eds - made a not so great week - so much better.   

Here's to Fridays, friends and Famous Eds!

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