January 29, 2013

Double The Fun - 7/13/13

Two years ago, the folks that organize The Dirty Dash rolled into town and had a muddy race here in August of 2011.  I remember friends doing it and seeing their rinsed out, yet beyond recognizable muddy clothes drying out on their driveway.  Another showed up to a fall scrimmage out at EWU, with dirt still in cracks and crevices and she had mentioned they'd run out of water for people to rinse off...  But oh the fun they had!  I don't remember anyone mentioning obstacles or rope walls, army crawling... but I remember well - how well talked about the event was.

Fast forward to June 2012.  I signed The Dad and I up late so we paid a hefty fee - and we "ran" the muddy race, mostly unprepared that even our hair, eyes (contact wearers) and unmentionable spots would not go un-muddy-touched!  I washed my hair maybe three times that day and it still felt coarse.  The Dad got out of the shower, began drying himself, was surprised by some dirt in the "dry off" phase and hopped back in for another slathering of soap and shampoo.  Note to self:  Remember to make sure hot water isn't run AT ALL the morning of Dirty Dash 2013.

So it's on this year and we have more friends along with Ry, Snoozeanne, family participating this year which will make it that much more of an experience!  Mostly, I've gotten people on board by dangling the well-known fact that at about Mile 2.5, just before the slip n slide...  you get a BEER.  Yes...  a BEER.  Now we sit and wait for the event and while doing that we've been dreaming up and discussing having a fun BBQ that night with our group.  

Lo & behold the mail arrives yesterday with a "Save The Date" for 7/13/13.  The wedding is in these here "parts" so no travel is required, so the Dirty Dash party is no longer under consideration.  After all, this is an "EWU family" members wedding.  Since "The Last Game" there's been a lot of down time.  A LOT of down time for The Dad and I.  Too much down time for The Dad and I. (We watched 66 episodes of "Sons of Anarchy" in less than 2 weeks...  THAT much down time.) I was ready - tailgate-wise for that last game.  Ready to not spend all of Friday night and Saturday morning prepping so much food and details of equipment that needed to be on the trailer each week.  Ready to not spend all of that $$$$.  Ready to go to Texas and not "work" the entire before, during and "after game".  But I know now that the alternative of "the nothingness" is not as much fun.  So "not as much fun" that if I thought I could get all of those boys in to town every week for a meal - I would do it.  But now, on 7/13 - I get to see them all again... 

So honored to be included in this couple's wedding day.  The countdown is on!  Muddy fun and wedding fun - all packed into one perfect day!  

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