March 21, 2013

31 Good Things: Migraine Madness

A  nagging headache last night turned into a migraine.  Of which I have not had in YEARS.  I retraced my steps, what I ate - and come up with a blank as to what helped bring it on.  It wasn't a good night, nor has it been a good morning... but I talked my friend into doing the Body Pump class today and can't let her down.  I'm trying to rally.  Forced my breakfast drink down and am sitting up, with my eyes open.  That's the key because now that daylight has hit - the light hurts the eyes.  One more than the other.  

No a migraine isn't a good thing.  As a "former" migraine sufferer - I learned many years ago that tylenol and teaching myself how to relax my shoulders, neck, mind were key ingredients to a migraine-free life.  Most of the time - by just getting myself to relax, I could rid myself of a tension headache that would most likely turn "migraine-bound".  

But I had other help.  The Dad.  Today's "Good Thing"

When the migraines were at the worst and at times when my "techniques" didn't or don't work to rid myself of a decent headache - The Dad is my knight and shining armor.  Like he was last night until - well about 1 AM this morning.  I woke up with the dull throb yesterday morning and it was persistent throughout the day.  So long as I kept busy - I kept it at bay. But even I knew - that between Starbucks not getting rid of it and the many points during the day I "realized" it was still there... that this probably wasn't going to go down as one of our top 5 nights in 2013.

I reached a point on the couch last night that even TV wasn't taking my mind off of it so went to bed - where it quickly escalated into a full blown migraine.  Now since I haven't had one of these suckers for years - I no longer carry any sort of meds that would help combat it.  Usually I would turn those down as well - but last night - I would have taken anything.

The Dad stretched my neck, rubbed my temples, manipulated my scapula after I realized that the extreme pain behind my left eye wasn't being caused by my neck... but rather my shoulder.  With a headache - usually he'll manufacture some sort of "pop" inside my neck that INSTANTLY relieves me.  That wasn't the case last night.  Well... there was a "pop" but it didn't do what it normally does - thus driving home the "Fuck.  This is a migraine." thoughts.  Which didn't make it any better.

He's so patient and I'm not a very good patient - so you can only imagine what the poor guy has to go through on nights like this.  I thought of it last night - as he walked me  back from the bathroom (yes... I stood up and the pain practically blinded me.  This was the first time I can remember where I had this symptom).  

I thought of all of the times - as my caretaker.  My hero.  My patience.  My voice of reason.  My laughter.  My boys' dad.  

Thanks gaggy.  I appreciate what you do for me.

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