March 14, 2013

31 Good Things - Halfway Point (ish)

Today - I ventured from the elliptical machines to the treadmill for the first time in a long while.  The treadmills at Oz are so old and worn down - they made it hard to run, or want to run.  So it's been 2 months since we joined Golds - and while The Dad has been running a lot, I just haven't.

Until today.  My sinuses cleared and no more waking up with a dull leftover headache - today was the day.

I ran slowly, but fairly effortlessly (thanks to the condition of the Golds Gym treadmills) for close to 30 minutes.  It's at this point that I finish my "warm up" and go do all of the other things I do for the next 30-45 minutes.  Until today.

I'd been telling myself for the past few weeks I was going to try the "Body Pump" class one of these days... It just so happened that that class was starting shortly after I was done wiping down the treadmill - so I thought, feeling good... "Why not?"

The "Body Pump" class is the equal to the "Rep Reebok" class at Oz.  My buddy Greg and I would often take the class at Oz early one morning and then, when unable to lift our arms the next day or even later on the same day we would find a reason NOT to make it back to the class the following week.  

So why did I want to put myself through this?  Especially alone, without someone else to laugh at?  I still can't answer this question.

30 minutes on the treadmill.  60 minutes of weights, stretches, pushups, cruelty... I survived it!  And tho' I am only able to rest my fingers on this keyboard, occasionally clicking a letter here and there - I have every intention of doing the class again.  Next Tuesday.  There's a class on Saturday mornings, but I'm realistic enough to know that in two days - I *might* just be getting to the "I can finally raise my arms about halfway to eye level." stage.  <knock on wood>

Good stuff on the "Mom Horizon" in the coming days!  Blue Eyes flies back to Seattle tomorrow night and is heading home for the weekend on Saturday.  Not long enough for MOTY, but it'll have to do.  Wack & The Wiz are heading into finals week and while The Wiz may be in and out - Wack will be home complaining about how there's nothing to eat in this house and asking me "What's for dinner?" before I've even come close to pretending to think about the late afternoon meal menu...  But I can't frickin wait!

#Let's gooooooo!

1 comment:

  1. I took that class several times about 4 years ago when I was being all healthy and strong. I already was working with a trainer but she thought doing this class once a week would be good for me. Holy Chit! It kicked my a**! I preferred Body Combat...although it kicked my butt as well, my muscles were able to function. Good for you! I'm jealous and wish I was young again.

