March 13, 2013

31 Good Things: 12 & 13 - The Pope & SFB

I was sitting down to write this post when across my Twitterverse came tweets that announced there was "white smoke" at the Vatican in St. Peters Square.  I quickly turned on CNN and started to watch with 1.2 million other people.  

I'm not Catholic.  The decision on a new Pope doesn't affect me personally per se - but it is history.  Again.  It's likely I'll see this production again in my life - seeing as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is 76 years of age.  But then - perhaps he will outlive me.  We just don't know what each day will bring.

The Dad pulled up while I was listening to the TV and scrubbing away the tarnish on the silver we own.  As he made his lunch (our lunch) - I listened in as everyone waited for the new popes introduction.  I'd listened and watched long enough to know that "we the people" were hoping for a reformist to be voted in versus a traditionalist.  I  knew that, once announced, Jorge's name was not among the five suspected "candidates" going in the other day.  The Dad wondered why I was drawn to this, why was I watching with such intent?  

WOTY:  "Becausssseee...  we need a reformist."
The Dad:  "Uhhhh.  Why?  We're not catholic."
WOTY:  "For women in the church.  For same sex couples who were raised in the catholic church.  For the PEOPLE."  (Duh)
The Dad:  "Huh"  

So we sat and we ate and watched.  I should add that I had also learned earlier on that the newly elected pope picks his name and that from that name, the people take from that what they can expect.  Change or more same ole, same ole.  So the pope is introduced - Cardinal Bergoglio.  

And the name he picked...  Francis.  Pope Francis.

He is the first pope to pick "Francis" as his name.  He is the first pope from South America.  His "name" brings hope.  Expected change.  It's what the world of "today" needs.  The people are happy.

My mind has been heavy the last several days - thinking of my niece, Sarah.  I spend time wondering; "What is going on?",  "What message am I missing?",  "There's a reason, what is it?" - that I'm thinking of her so much.  Eventually something happens to put these times into perspective...  

I'm not catholic.  My life won't change because a new pope has been elected.  But my heart swelled when I heard he selected the name "Francis".  It answered those questions, without answering them.  I'm at ease.

It's spelled differently, but it has the same meaning...  While I know she's always watching over her family, her friends... she's taken the heavens by storm and don't think for a moment it wasn't her voice, coupled with others where she is - that brought this new hope, new change, new name to so many many more!

Hats off to Sarah Frances Baisden and Pope Francis.  

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