March 1, 2013

31 Good Things: Day 1

In an effort to not fret the month of March - I'm going to simply post one good thing a day here to help not think about March.  Nevermind that this morning, after my workout and usual stop at my Starbucks - that I pulled away from the drive-thru only to find they did not make my drink right.  :(  Then, pulled up to the house and found a frolicky little squirrel fella digging with much fervor to find all of the walnuts he picked off our walnut tree last fall to bury/hide in anticipation of winter.  We don't love this so much because he never finds them all and by the time it warms up and drys out enough outside to go and weed and groom the yard - about 107 new baby walnut trees must be uprooted!  He was not having any success as I sat in the driveway and watched him for what felt like 5 minutes - but was probably 39 seconds.  I shrugged it off and as I ascended the stairs in the garage and the dogs barked in anticipation of seeing "ma", opened the door to find that they apparently learned how to open the garbage drawer while I was gone.  This was a first and it would appear my beautiful new (ish) kitchen may need babyproofing - long before I have any babies entering this house.  

So there is the beginning of March for me.

Super.  Duper.  Neat.

I was going to attack the massive amount of dog land mines in the back yard this morning - but the wind is blowing bringing a bitterness to it that I do not care for... maybe tomorrow.  On our anniversary.  ;)

But back to 31 Good Things - Day 1:  Okay.  I got it.

Last night - The Dad and I went to Famous Eds to watch the G.U. game.  We ordered our pizza, chit chatted, chatted with people we knew in the packed establishment and came home to finish watching the game and listen to Blue Eyes radio show.  The game ended late.  Actually - at one point The Dad hit rewind for me to see something and then we forgot to go back to "live".  As I was "watching" the twitterverse on my iPhone5, there were tweets from folks glad the game was over and that "we" survived it.  I then realized we had never gone back to "live" so as I was telling The Dad he "shushed" me and said he didn't want to know.  Uhhh... there's 12 seconds left honey...  Still, I kissed him on the cheek and said "I'm going to bed.  Let me know who won when you come back." as I smirked and left the room.

He came back and as he climbed into bed and was pulling out his ipad my phone chimed with an alert.  Or so I thought.  But it went a few more times and finally The Dad says to me - "Is your phone ringing?"  And it was.  I suppose I wasn't expecting that, considering it was after 11pm.  And this is how it went:

MOTY: (Seeing it was Wack)  "Hey you.  What's up?"
Wack:  "Hey mom.  I don't want to be calling you for this reason, but, well... (this is where a mothers heart begins to beat faster and her head begins to imagine the worst) but we were at a function in downtown Seattle tonight and this girl was in a bad way and I had to take a cab with her back to her house to get her home and had to pay for the cab - which... I think made me go negative in my account and..."
MOTY:  "Oh.  <huge sigh of relief>  No worries.  I'll have dad transfer you $$ right now."
Wack:  "I'm sorry to be calling so late, but I just don't want to be charged and she had to get home..."
MOTY:  "It's okay.  It's really okay.  You got the girl home?"
Wack:  "Yea.  She needed to get home and I couldn't put her in a cab by herself."
MOTY:  <beaming with pride>  "Good.  That's good.  You're not going back downtown are you?" 
Wack:  "No.  In fact I'm just getting home."  

I told him this morning that I was very proud of him to do the right thing, get someone home, even though it meant him leaving when he was having a good time and two - that he was concerned enough about his $$ situation and good standing - that he didn't hesitate to call us, even after 11pm.  

That's good stuff, right there.

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