March 10, 2013

31 Good Things - TEN

More than 10 dog-style land mines were picked up out in the back 40 this morning.  My intent was to pick them up yesterday morning - but The Dad and I ventured to the Centennial Trail with our bikes.  The furthest ride we've been on was about 14 miles last fall when we first brought the bikes home from Portland.  This is old news.

A few non-wet Saturdays ago we ventured out 10 miles just from home and around the upper South Hill.  Next up, Saturday a week ago - 12.3 miles - or something like that - in the general same direction.  But yesterday, minus one stop - because while my entire body was warm - my hands were not.  Not even with the warm fuzzy biking gloves with fingers in them and me "exercising" my fingers while riding, could I get them to even think about warming up.  Much as I tried not to think about it - the stinging pains were going to my head and then it was ALL I could think about.  So we stopped for a few, warmed up my paws and away we went.  10 miles out the Centennial Trail - 10 miles back.  

The day was sunny and warmed up - though not as much as was forecast, but I found it hard to leave the couch after getting cleaned up.  We watched the Cougs win, then the Zags and started up some SNL before determining it was time for bed.  I imagine it didn't help that we were out kabitzing with the Ewings on Friday night!

So today, after moving our clocks forward (one hour closer to Cabo) and organizing the house a little, we hit Starbucks.  On the way home I asked (who am I trying to kid... TOLD) The Dad that while he fixed breakfast, I would pick up the yard.  We joked on the way home that we had NO intention of spending the entire Sunday on the couch.  But we'd made a little mistake while idly chit chatting at Starbucks about some characters name from "The Rescuers Down Under".  A movie #7/The Wiz watched so.  many.  times. So when I reappeared from the depths of the backyard and dog poo...  I walked in to a smiling Gaggy - who had "found" "Rescuers Down Under" on Netflix.  He finished frying the eggs, put a few pieces of bacon on my plate and we started a movie we haven't watched in about 20 years.

And the memories gushed through the house as we remembered sitting #7 down in front of our 20 inch TV, how we'd rewind and then throw in the VHS tape, hear him pop out his fuddy and excitedly proclaim that he was watching "Res uers Down Under"  No "c" sound.

The movie is over.  We are considering watching "Bease"  (Beauty & The Beast).  Until then - movie is over, backyard is clear - the rain has started to fall, but I still feel like yesterdays sun is shining down as we spend a Sunday "with the kids" in an entirely different manner.  

Good stuff.

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