March 4, 2013

31 Good Things: #2, #3 & #4

31 Good Things in March - found Day 2 on Saturday, March 2nd.  The sun was trying to shine through, it was a bit warmer than previous days... and it was The Dad's and my 22nd anniversary.  That's a lot of 2's! 

We've been anxious for spring to get here so we can get out on our road bikes and get some good use out of them this year.  We bought them last September and while we rode fairly often - our "season" had been cut short by the thick fire smoke that filled the air for weeks on end, things that needed to happen for our weekly Saturday football games & tailgates and eventually, losing daylight as the days wore on.  So on Saturday, March 2, 2013 - we took the bikes out for their 2nd ride out in 2013.  We only upped our distance by about 2.5 miles from the last ride - but the clouds were heading in, the wind was picking up - and it was clearly past my Starbucks time.  We stopped at the church we were married at, he took an unflattering picture of us and home we headed.  

We picked up.  We cleaned up.  We watched the Zags - sort of.  They were slaughtering their opponent and we still had a few seasons of "Breaking Bad" to watch.  So between the 2 things - we covered the afternoon.  We decided to try something different for our anniversary dinner.  We've been to Clinkerdaggers' several times in the past three months so we (I) picked ZOLA.  Had a nice small "meal" a few cocktails and off we went to so a not so great movie. (Side Effects).  The 2nd of March was a good, good day.

Day 3:  Colder, windier... and "technically" - my "day off" from working out.  Day 3 was a great... lazy day.  Lazy in that we finished Season 3 of "Breaking Bad" and started Season 4.  We also watched our DVR'd recording of Saturday Night LIve - which was not good.  Not good at all - with the exception of the musical guest Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.  Much like how Spokane jumps on the Gonzaga Basketball bandwagon when they win and make it to the tournament - so are we, on the "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis" bandwagon - what with Ryan Lewis having been a Moran Prairie PrairieDog and short time Ferris Saxon.  Gotta root for the locals - for sure.  It's been a fun story to watch evolve - especially with Blue Eyes catching on to them a few years ago before they hit it big... SNL big!  Bravo.

Day 4:  Captains Log:  March 4, 2013.  The day didn't start out so well... still isn't fantastic for that matter - having pinched a nerve in my neck/shoulder area last night.  I laugh as I think about sleeping with the neck pillow we bought for our Cabo trips a few years back - in bed - last night.  I have a great masseuse but she's booked up until tomorrow... I'm on the "cancellation" list.  I'm really really really crossing fingers for a cancellation.  All of that aside - the sun is shining, it's colder today than yesterday thus far - but it's bright and shiny and I'm finding it somewhat easy to pay ZERO attention to all of the dust on the windows of my house.  That's good enough for me today!

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