March 25, 2013

31 Good Things: #22, 23, 24 & 25

I don't have a real good excuse for not posting a #22 on Friday - other than I knew The Dad likely hadn't read my post about him and figured I'd give him a day to "find" it.  Fat chance.  On our way to Demingham on Saturday something got brought up about a song or a word that made him say something about my last post...  but the "last post" he was referring to... was like five last posts' ago.  I've always known that The Dad isn't much of a reader - but he has a friggin REMINDER that pops up on his cell phone that tells him to "Enjoy the blog!".  Thaaat's it...  my phone was dying and he asked me to text Rob to ask him if we needed to pick up anything at the store and I saw the REMINDER.  That's how it came up.  Needless to say - The Dad isn't going to see that post any time soon so I should probably get back at it.

I don't even remember what Fridays' Good Thing might have been but I'm happy to make one up.

#22 - I didn't feel one iota guilty about watching March Madness all day on Thursday AND Friday.  I worked out.  I showered.  I watched March Madness.  For a while on Friday I was THE ONLY bracket atop the pool of 130.  I have a picture to prove it.  It was awesome.

#23 - A quiet drive over to the other side of the state with built in dog sitters back at the house.  We had to drive by Wacks' "school home" - the way cool FIJI house at UW to pick up one of the Demingham family members.  The sun was shining and there was a part of me wishing we lived in Seattle that day.  The 50th Birthday Bash was one for the ages - par for the course over there.  Lots of love over there.  Family & friends - the ties that bind - leaves one with little family, wanting more!  The Dad was enlisted to make his famous Washington Red Apple drinks and believes he may have made close to 100.  Yes - that's likely an exaggeration, but there wasn't much time during the night that I, myself didn't get asked: "Where's Jeff?", "Hey, is Jeff making me another drink?", "Could you ask Jeff to make another batch?"  And then there was this little bit that The Dad remembers:

The Dad:  making a batch of WRA's at the counter...
Woman Behind Him: "What's that you're drinking?" (to another)
Other Woman:  "It's a Washington Red Apple."
Woman Behind Him:  "Ohhhhhhh.... thooooose.  So this is that family member from Spokane.  They're here."

#24 - We got on the road early - so we could be home - early, during daylight and maybe still accomplish something.  We accomplished picking up the back yard and making dinner.  Then we watched FGCU win another game in the NCAA tournament - which makes watching, now that my bracket is busted and the Zags are out - all the more fun again.

#25 - It's Monday - several weeks after Avista said they were going to be doing some busy, noisy work on the side of my house and they STILL aren't here.  I'd really like them to come before my lawn starts coming in, greening up...  but I'm also not looking forward to them waking me up with jackhammers and pounding either.  The sun is shining, I'm getting that spring cleaning itch but quickly come down from that high whenever I pull into the grimy, dirty, cluttered garage.  Wack is working at the golf course all week and I have a quiet morning to myself.  Sadly though, after my workout - where I thought about what this post might be about today - I fired up my iPhone and saw an email from an unexpected soul with news of the passing of an old acquaintance.  I welled up with tears - as cancer has taken another quirky, fun, intellectual, football loving, hard working soul.  He was single for many years - and while he has his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter - it made me instantly reflect on the couples and love we witnessed over our weekend away and made me thankful for The Dad and family all over again.

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