March 8, 2013

31 Good Things: El Numero Ocho

I think it's funny when people fall.  Not in ALL circumstances, obviously.  I've got a bit of the devil in me sure - but I still cry at Hallmark commercials.  So if you fell and it was nasty and you were hurt, well... you'd have to be like... literally... hurt.  I wouldn't laugh.  I mean it.  Swear.

But if you - say, take the steps two at a time in a hurry, coming up, and you trip - and you've done this too many times to count (The Dad) - I would likely ask you when you got up the stairs, while trying to hold in my laughter "How was your trip?"  I don't have to see this happening - with The Dad, I can hear it... What makes it that much funnier is that he ascends the top steps and looks to see if anyone heard, saw...  kind of like (here I go again with the cats) when a cat loses it's footing (rare) and topples off of something and then pretend that they meant to do it.

So The Dad tells me to pull up this video this morning and I'm sort of thinking at first glance - "uhh ya... okay."  Fairly disinterested just looking at the main frame.  Annnnd then I watched it.  And like Pinocchio and his nose that grows - my horns popped out a little.  Until my snort and laughter met up with the stomach muscles that are doing a new routine at the gym.  

Laughing at 6 AM was Good Thing #8.  But to add to #8: It's Blue Eyes spring break and he's headed to Arizona with friends tomorrow.  The sun is rumored to shine later on today.  The blue recycle thing DID find it's way into the garage yesterday.  The Dad made snickerdoodles last night.  Say what?  It's Friday.  Two months until Cabo - Year 3.  Snap Chat is hysterical... especially when you're friend sends you a text at 10:07pm to ask a question about it!  We've made it through one full week in March.  Three more to go.

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