April 1, 2013

31 Good Things - Finishing Strong

Friday, March 29 - A perfect day for some time in Pullman to see Blue Eyes!  Lunch, passport processing (no thanks to Fred Murphy and the USPS in Pullman, WA...) and pre-21st birthday chatter!  The Dad had scheduled us plans that night and while we thought it was Wacks last night home for break and I wanted to hang around these parts - it turns out that #7 made plans to hang out with him, so off we went.

Saturday, March 30 - We raced to run a few errands with Wack before his 1 p.m. departure only to find out that his departure time AND date had been moved back to the following day.  Easter.  Okay... so for the MOTY that always complains about  empty nest - I was sort of looking forward to not having to even step foot in the kitchen on Sunday.  This changed that.  So Easter brunch was ON!  I asked The Dad to see if Blue Eyes and Snooze could make it - and they could not.  Her parents were in Pullman and had already planned to take them out.  :(  #7 said he was in, I knew Wack was in...  so you know what this means, right?  Cooking, cleaning, prepping... Because not only had I told #7 he and #10 could come, I told  him to extend it to her sisters and their spouses knowing the girls' parents were heading out of town for their spring break.  Not knowing who all was coming, we got down to it.

Sunday, March 31 - Up early - to the store, to Starbucks (of course).  I made a fruit "tray", bacon, sausage, eggs, hash brown casserole, monkey bread and bought juice.  I thought about getting champagne and making mimosa's but thought "Nahhhh"... out loud and to no one in particular.  So it was a very nice surprise when Dori & Bobby showed up with mimosa' fixins!  Mema came and thankfully - she wore a bra as I'd instructed her to do.  We ate, told stories of mice and horses, and then the Holy Board games were on!

But as quick as they all came, ate and filled our home and chatted around our table - helping make it feel like "home"... they left.  And the house was quiet.  The house IS quiet.

The Dad rounded out the month of March, the month we rush to get through - with a phone call from his sister, which was fitting.

But now it's April and so much to look forward to!  There's Blue Eyes radio show on Thursday night, Blue Eyes 21st birthday on Saturday (oh my gosh...), Blue Eyes spring FIJI cruise ON his birthday followed by a trip to Seattle for the Mariners home opener - his gift from Snooze for his birthday!  I've got hair therapy, toe therapy, massage therapy and a bet going on until April 29th on DietBet to lose 4% of my body weight.  Sadly, in 3 months, I keep maintaining the same weight while working out 90 minutes a day and eating - not much and certainly not crap.  So... dear DietBet gods... I hope you're listening!  The sun should shine more and I can begin to pull out spring/summer clothes and start washing them, replacing them in the spots where all of the wretched WARM clothes are now hanging.  The garage is cleaned - uber cleaned, what with my initial superficial cleaning and subsequent nagging to The Dad to "finish what I started" - he gutted the spot above the garage door that housed 12 years worth of sh*t we haven't used.  600 POUNDS to the dump with another load to come in the near future once I finish the inside closets!  

We cleaned up March pretty well I think.  There really is nothing better than opening up our home to any and all and welcoming them to our "family".  I believe we've set a very, very, very, very good example for the boys.  One day, they or their wives - will receive in the mail - a "thank you" much like I received from one of #7's teammates last week.  He'd finished up his schooling and left back for Arizona... My heart hurt and warmed the very next instant.  Hurt because I felt like one of my new sons' was gone - but happy we have that "extra boy" along with so many others because our home was a place many of them spent Thanksgiving or a taco night every so often.  

Yes... March wasn't so bad this year after all.  

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