April 30, 2013

5 Rooms, 3 Bathrooms, 6 Closets Down...

1 bedroom, 2 closets left to go.

This weekend found me cleaning/gutting the furnace closet (who knew there could be so much CRAP in the furnace room?? and oh, more boxes of crap - The Dads - that SHOULD have gone to the free shredder two weeks ago...), the "Christmas Closet" and the closet also known as the "paint" closet or also known as the "I know that there are super scary spiders in there" closet.  So The Dad helped with that one and fortunately - MOST of it went to the garbage and there were NO spiders.  I was able to round up 3 bags for Goodwill between the 3 closets though and a myriad of things for craigslist or Ebay...  Oye.  Needless to say, the office - the room I started this "project" in, is currently a disaster again.  

Everyone tells me that it must be such an "amazing feeling" to have done this.  I find myself squinting at them, trying to get a read on whether they realize what's left to do?!?!  It's mental warfare, people.  I have to find the energy enough to just THINK about hitting one of the boys rooms.  There's stuff everywhere!! Things I'm not supposed to ever get rid of.  Like the cheap card shuffler that #7 got from his girlfriend of 3 WEEKS his senior year of high school - that laid on his closet floor and I eventually tossed.

The card shuffler will haunt me forever.  It was brought up just this past Sunday when #7 & #10 were in town for dinner.  Gads... the plastic, likely broken anyhow - card shuffler.

So in Blue Eyes room - I saved the fireworks, the cigars, the checks that I'm assuming were deposited from his iPhone and not left in all of the areas I found them, hopefully NOT undeposited.  <shrug>

I have no idea what to expect in that last downstairs bedroom, but as I sit here - I'm realizing today likely isn't the day I'll be attacking it.  I like the sun shining - that little extra energy the sun brings to a dirty job is not to be taken lightly.  So tomorrow it is.  I think.  That's up to Mother Nature.

All I know is - I'm running out of time.  Blue Eyes is done with school this week, we have a trip to Cabo coming up in mere weeks, a college graduation <party> to plan and then - my little birds will all be home.  Messing it up again - though, with far less around to really, really mess it up with.  Now THAT - feels good.  Not amazing.  Not yet... 

But getting there.  

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