April 9, 2013

Everything Happens For A *Reason

I did not grow up going to church so my "belief" and understanding in and of God is different than those that did.  Since I can remember - there's always been a part of me that's wanted that connection, wanted to believe in the something, someone that we can't see, can't talk directly to (face to face), - can't submit a question online to "His" helpdesk and get an automated response from. But then things happen - like a boat wreck, a motorcycle accident, cancer, a car crash ~ leaving me to wonder why a God would allow those things to happen... to THOSE people.  People who are loved by many.  

**I don't think I've written this story (PART I) down before...  but even if that is the case, it's important to tell it again.  Here.**

Sarah, my niece, was killed by a drunk, speeding, reckless driver (I usually use much more colorful, well deserved words for him) on a two lane highway on September 16, 2011.  Her absence is felt by so, so, SO many people who would give anything to have her back.

Part I:  Somewhere between 6-8 weeks after we attended the memorial for Sarah in Demingham, my son Ryan, then a sophomore at WSU, went to a dance hall over in Moscow, Idaho one evening.  He was standing there, minding his own beeswax when a young man walked in the door.  For some *reason their eyes met and while Ry continued his conversation - this young man made a beeline for him.  He walked up to him, extended his hand and said "You don't know me.  I saw you a few weeks back at Sarah's memorial.  My name is Matt."

Ry was stunned.  The two of them went outside and talked...  about Sarah.  Matt knew exactly who Ryan was as Sarah had shared stories and photos of her cousins with him during the time she was growing up and her mom and I - growing apart, thus forcing the same unfortunate path onto our kids - "the cousins", to an extent.  They laughed, cried and told each other to keep in touch.  

Ryan saw and spoke to Matt a few more times - up until Matt decided to not head back to Pullman the following semester.  

Part II:   THIS past Saturday was Ryan's 21st birthday.  Jeff, Jeff and I drove to Pullman on Friday night, late,  to help him take in his first visit to the bar at midnight.  It made a memory for all of us and we were so happy to have made the trip down, even though we didn't arrive home until 3 AM.  

We slept later than usual due to our late night adventure, worked out and putzed  <sp?> about doing odds and ends on a blustery, cold, off and on rainy day.  We'd had an invitation to join our friends for dinner - a BBQ of sorts at their home with another couple.  While the 3 guys watched the semi-final NCAA matchup, us "girls" ended up in the living room while dinner was cooking and idle chit chat ensued.  We started out conversing about the kids, who did what over spring break, yada yada yada.  There were a few books sitting on the ottoman - so we began chatting about them.  The book titled "Proof of Heaven", while not knowing what it was about, made me ask if either of them had read "Heaven is for Real"?  Neither had, but both had read this book and the story behind them was much the same.  It led "C" to speak of her sister who had died.  She spoke of that day at a baseball game and of the bible verse that popped into her head when she heard the news.  As she relived that day, that story - I found myself wondering how to find that part of my brain that would "understand" God and for the love of God - be able to recite a friggin verse... from memory.  Our "discussion" continued on and I stated that there have been enough things that have happened that make me believe that there are no coincidences.  That everything happens for a *reason.  

While "C" tended to agree with me, our other friend, "T" said that she had had people she was close to.. so close to, die and she couldn't see how that could be part of a "*reason".  I completely understood where she comes from because - to think about it - Sarah?!?!?  Hello?? What good *reason could be given for that?  But still... 

PART III:  So I wake up on Sunday and I grab my iPhone that iLove as I do each morning - to check on my Twitterverse, see what emails may  have come in and what the weather is going to do to my mood that day.  But on my home screen, right there - is a text that causes me to gasp - literally, as I read it:


So to understand this better: some shirts were designed and printed with a tree that Sarah had drawn in high school.  And then more shirts and sweatshirts - sold, with all of the proceeds going to a scholarship in Sarah's name at her old high school.  This is the "Sarah shirt" Ry is talking about that "Todd" was wearing... at the bar... that Ry was at... on his 21st birthday - a birthday that Sarah was 2 and a half months shy of hitting herself at the time of the accident.

It brought the conversation from the night before - front and center.  You see, to me - there's a *reason that Todd was wearing THAT shirt to the bar on April 6 - and that he was there when Ryan & Suz were there. 

This time - Ryan was not approached by someone he didn't know, but rather - he got up, walked over to Todd and started a conversation with another one of his cousins circle of friends.  He made an acquaintance he would never have otherwise made if it weren't for that shirt.  That shirt that Todd wore to the bar that night.  That girl who drew that tree.  Coincidence?  No.  

From Sarah to Matt.  Matt to Ryan.  Ryan to Todd.

That was Sarah's doing.  There is no other *reason.  

So then - "Why Sarah?" on that fateful night?  I don't know. But then I'm the one that believes there's a *reason for everything.  Sometimes I think that up in Whatcom County, where an offender has 32 or 34 priors and the courts keep letting him go, free to cause harm to any or all, or one in his path - that Sarah was the one that had to help rid society of that derelict.  But she didn't know him, so that doesn't make sense.  Then what?  

Bringing people together.  She continues to bring people together.  People who don't know each other, people that do.  The bonds remain stronger perhaps.  Is there a part of me that thinks that it happened to help bring healing and restoration to her family?  There's that saying that "these kinds of things" can bring a family "back".  Yep.  But it doesn't always work out the way God intended.  Isn't that a saying we hear just as often?  

For whatever *reason - she's made two very unforgettable appearances in Pullman to her cousin.  I know she continues to do the same for so many.  We can question if there's a message or meaning behind these events, or we can rest assured knowing she's still out there, taking care of her family.  Bringing people together.  Even if not the way WE all intended to watch her do it.  

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