April 6, 2013

SURPRISE! Happy 21st Birthday Blue Eyes!

As the boys were growing up - I made a tradition of taking cupcakes to school on their birthdays.  Unfortunately for Blue Eyes - his birthday always fell during the Spokane Public School's spring break.  So mostly - he never got them at school... in front of an entire class of his friends and peers... ON his actual birthday.

So he and I were talking about his birthday the other day and I pouted through the phone line and said "When are we going to get to celebrate it with you?".  He chuckled and said "Maybe you could bring cupcakes to my class on Friday."

Of course I thought that sounded like a great idea!  I asked him how many were in his section... at the Edward R. Murrow College of Communication at WSU.  He laughed and told me that "No.  You're not going to do that."  I knew that.  He knew it.  But he wanted to stress that I really knew that.  <sigh>

I've always had this knack for spontaneity.  There were times when the boys were younger - that The Dad would get home from work at 5:37 p.m. on a Friday and I would have bags packed, pillows by the front door and the kids ready to hit the road for the 6-7 hour drive to visit family for a day and a half.  We'd arrive there at midnight, hang out all day Saturday and we'd hit the road between 10 a.m. and noon on Sunday.  We did that often enough.  Heck - we still do it - minus kids.  It's what we do.

So when I woke up on Friday morning, April 5th, 2013 - I just knew that I had to celebrate Blue Eyes birthday - his twenty first birthday with him - to some extent.  I quickly connected with Snoozeanne to find out what the plan was for him.  We went back and forth for a bit and finally determined "the plan".  

His pledge brothers were throwing a party at Suz' house and at midnight, the plan was to head to the bars.  His "first beer" he says...

I texted The Dad and let him know we WERE going down.  We could just surprise him at the bar - at midnight - or get to the party and then take him for his "first" beer.  First legal beer, that is.  He didn't put up a fight - so next I let #7 know the plan because he had mentioned the week prior he might go down.  He was in.  The plan was set.  Leave the house at 9 pm for Pullman, surprise him at the party, take him to the bar.

It's been some time since The Dad and I have been to a real - college party.  A double kegger, in fact.  But if we were going to hit one at our age - this was the one!  Snooze did a great job as hostess - even with beer spills, upside down drinkers, beer pong and someone doing Gangnam Style - on.  her.  countertop.  

Dev, Ry & Jason - Saxons for life!

The time came - we helped shoo out the kids, clean up and much to my amazement, a few of the boys - one in particular, Jordan - stayed behind to mop up and finish cleaning.  I was so impressed with that kid.  He had a mop in hand as we were walking out the door.  We climbed the hill to Valhalla - Ryan got "carded", I didn't and The Dad got laughed at.  We were the oldest people in the joint.  The Dad commented on it several times - obviously a skoche uncomfortable - but the smile on Blue Eyes face as we celebrated with him (his brother and dad with cocktails, me with diet pepsi) didn't allow those kind of thoughts to penetrate my brain.

We left the birthday boy, now 21, in good hands, gave hugs and made our way back to Suz' apartment to get the car and head home.  We giggled and laughed and relived Ryan's surprise when he first saw us in that crowded, beer filled, beer spilled apartment.  When I got home, a text from Suz said Ry had made it home safe and sound and that he was so happy and talked about how we had come to surprise him on his birthday.  

I'm sure today he's drinking gatorade... and perhaps... snacking on these:

Of COURSE I made them.  Was there ever a question?

Happy Happy Happy Birthday to my blue eyed boy!  Have fun on the FIJI cruise, safe travels to Seattle and so so much fun at the Mariners home opener on Monday!  I love you so much.

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