March 27, 2013

31 Good Things - 26 & 27

#26 - The hardwood floors!

It's been two and a half years since the remodel and we've been very diligent about sweeping up and cleaning the floors.  We asked specifically what we should clean these floors with and they said the Swiffer.  Yep.  The Swiffer.  But while the dry Swiffer would catch all of the dog hair and dirt clods - it didn't actually clean the floors.  So many moons ago we switched to a cloth "sweeper" to gather everything and then use the wet Swiffer pads.  On Monday I was fed up with looking at the floors.  They seemed dull and I knew that, like with our old wood floors - I had to be able to use something more on them.  But they seemed adamant that we would ONLY need the swiffer until the floors needed refinishing.  

No.  No.  No.  No.  No.  No.

So I tested some of the Bruce hardwood floor polish in an area and after I deemed it safe and oh. so. beautiful - I decided this would be the day to take on this massive chore.  I knew we had sponge mop somewhere out in the garage - but I looked to no avail.  The garage is Disasterville after football season and winter and I could look for hours and not find something - even if it was right under my nose.  So I went to task with rags on my hands and knees.  I have a scab/sore on each of my knees from putting two coats on the floors - but they're worth it.  The floors are restored to (practically) brand new.  There are a few dog claws marks and those marks where someone dropped something and chose not to tell MOTY or WOTY that there's a new chip or "dent" in the flooring.  But even those are less visible with this beautiful shine on.

So Good Thing #26 makes me happy three days later as I notice the incredible, deep, rich shine on my "old" - new wood floors!

But that brings me to #27.  With Wack home and working at the golf course this week - I'm left to either go transportationless or drive The Dad back and forth.  Seeing as he's working relatively close - I chose the latter.  After all - I've got my workouts to get to and... crap to drop off at the Goodwill truck down the way.  I've been piling some stuff up in bags out on the garage steps but after not being able to find the mop on Monday and more stuff piling up on the steps nearly daily - after my workout and luncheon I attended yesterday afternoon - I found the unimaginable energy to start the garage clean up process.

I said "start".  I did not finish by any means.  You have to understand...  The time The Dad had after the company he worked for, sold - leaving him unemployed last fall - allowed him to do some crafts and perfect his tailgating.  That meant he added more stuff to the garage.  More tools.  More supplies.  More drill bits.  More washers.  More tape.  More more more!  And while he used nearly everything he bought - he left all of the bags, receipts and empty "supplies" packages - all. over. the. place.  The Christmas lights he took down in early February were coiled up but hanging from hooks.  The tree stand was up against the wall with crusty old leaves that had blown in over the months.  There were THREE fifths of Fireball (Hey WAYNEEEEE.....) on the shelves with the paint and wasp killer.

So I cleared out all of the crap on the side of the garage where I park that was up against the walls.  The garbage bin, recycle bin, the UW and Rush FIJI holy board games, the tree stand and snow blower...  and then I swept nearly the entire garage.  I started putting stuff that belongs inside (Fireball, bathroom tile cleaner???, clothing that needs washing) on the steps and realized they were full of dirt, rocks and mostly dog hair... so I swept them.  I organized all of the spray paints, the various instruction manuals that littered his "work bench" and then decided - HE gets to dust off and clean the bench.  This weekend.  When it's 70 degrees.

I brought in all of the stuff that needed to be brought in - dusted off, washed off those things that needed it and put them away. I took a giant load to the Goodwill truck and marveled at what work I was able to accomplish AFTER getting home from the luncheon - when I could have easily come in and procrastinated at doing laundry.  

Of course - The Dad doesn't like me poking and prodding around the garage (his space) - because I throw shit away.  Or give it away - such was the case of a few of those water bottle thingys and some old walkie talkie things we got years ago.  But c'mon - we all know if I waited for him to straighten it up - it would be July.  AND the things we no longer use - would be kept in another spot to collect dust.  No.  Thank.  You.

I love spring.  I love a clean garage.  I love my clean floors.  Next up:  This weekend we get to clear out the flower beds of deadness from last fall and all of the dried leaves stuck in and under bushes.  Good stuff!  But still too soon to plant... if you live in The Can, you know it will likely snow about 7 more times before the end of May.

March 25, 2013

31 Good Things: #22, 23, 24 & 25

I don't have a real good excuse for not posting a #22 on Friday - other than I knew The Dad likely hadn't read my post about him and figured I'd give him a day to "find" it.  Fat chance.  On our way to Demingham on Saturday something got brought up about a song or a word that made him say something about my last post...  but the "last post" he was referring to... was like five last posts' ago.  I've always known that The Dad isn't much of a reader - but he has a friggin REMINDER that pops up on his cell phone that tells him to "Enjoy the blog!".  Thaaat's it...  my phone was dying and he asked me to text Rob to ask him if we needed to pick up anything at the store and I saw the REMINDER.  That's how it came up.  Needless to say - The Dad isn't going to see that post any time soon so I should probably get back at it.

I don't even remember what Fridays' Good Thing might have been but I'm happy to make one up.

#22 - I didn't feel one iota guilty about watching March Madness all day on Thursday AND Friday.  I worked out.  I showered.  I watched March Madness.  For a while on Friday I was THE ONLY bracket atop the pool of 130.  I have a picture to prove it.  It was awesome.

#23 - A quiet drive over to the other side of the state with built in dog sitters back at the house.  We had to drive by Wacks' "school home" - the way cool FIJI house at UW to pick up one of the Demingham family members.  The sun was shining and there was a part of me wishing we lived in Seattle that day.  The 50th Birthday Bash was one for the ages - par for the course over there.  Lots of love over there.  Family & friends - the ties that bind - leaves one with little family, wanting more!  The Dad was enlisted to make his famous Washington Red Apple drinks and believes he may have made close to 100.  Yes - that's likely an exaggeration, but there wasn't much time during the night that I, myself didn't get asked: "Where's Jeff?", "Hey, is Jeff making me another drink?", "Could you ask Jeff to make another batch?"  And then there was this little bit that The Dad remembers:

The Dad:  making a batch of WRA's at the counter...
Woman Behind Him: "What's that you're drinking?" (to another)
Other Woman:  "It's a Washington Red Apple."
Woman Behind Him:  "Ohhhhhhh.... thooooose.  So this is that family member from Spokane.  They're here."

#24 - We got on the road early - so we could be home - early, during daylight and maybe still accomplish something.  We accomplished picking up the back yard and making dinner.  Then we watched FGCU win another game in the NCAA tournament - which makes watching, now that my bracket is busted and the Zags are out - all the more fun again.

#25 - It's Monday - several weeks after Avista said they were going to be doing some busy, noisy work on the side of my house and they STILL aren't here.  I'd really like them to come before my lawn starts coming in, greening up...  but I'm also not looking forward to them waking me up with jackhammers and pounding either.  The sun is shining, I'm getting that spring cleaning itch but quickly come down from that high whenever I pull into the grimy, dirty, cluttered garage.  Wack is working at the golf course all week and I have a quiet morning to myself.  Sadly though, after my workout - where I thought about what this post might be about today - I fired up my iPhone and saw an email from an unexpected soul with news of the passing of an old acquaintance.  I welled up with tears - as cancer has taken another quirky, fun, intellectual, football loving, hard working soul.  He was single for many years - and while he has his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter - it made me instantly reflect on the couples and love we witnessed over our weekend away and made me thankful for The Dad and family all over again.

March 21, 2013

31 Good Things: Migraine Madness

A  nagging headache last night turned into a migraine.  Of which I have not had in YEARS.  I retraced my steps, what I ate - and come up with a blank as to what helped bring it on.  It wasn't a good night, nor has it been a good morning... but I talked my friend into doing the Body Pump class today and can't let her down.  I'm trying to rally.  Forced my breakfast drink down and am sitting up, with my eyes open.  That's the key because now that daylight has hit - the light hurts the eyes.  One more than the other.  

No a migraine isn't a good thing.  As a "former" migraine sufferer - I learned many years ago that tylenol and teaching myself how to relax my shoulders, neck, mind were key ingredients to a migraine-free life.  Most of the time - by just getting myself to relax, I could rid myself of a tension headache that would most likely turn "migraine-bound".  

But I had other help.  The Dad.  Today's "Good Thing"

When the migraines were at the worst and at times when my "techniques" didn't or don't work to rid myself of a decent headache - The Dad is my knight and shining armor.  Like he was last night until - well about 1 AM this morning.  I woke up with the dull throb yesterday morning and it was persistent throughout the day.  So long as I kept busy - I kept it at bay. But even I knew - that between Starbucks not getting rid of it and the many points during the day I "realized" it was still there... that this probably wasn't going to go down as one of our top 5 nights in 2013.

I reached a point on the couch last night that even TV wasn't taking my mind off of it so went to bed - where it quickly escalated into a full blown migraine.  Now since I haven't had one of these suckers for years - I no longer carry any sort of meds that would help combat it.  Usually I would turn those down as well - but last night - I would have taken anything.

The Dad stretched my neck, rubbed my temples, manipulated my scapula after I realized that the extreme pain behind my left eye wasn't being caused by my neck... but rather my shoulder.  With a headache - usually he'll manufacture some sort of "pop" inside my neck that INSTANTLY relieves me.  That wasn't the case last night.  Well... there was a "pop" but it didn't do what it normally does - thus driving home the "Fuck.  This is a migraine." thoughts.  Which didn't make it any better.

He's so patient and I'm not a very good patient - so you can only imagine what the poor guy has to go through on nights like this.  I thought of it last night - as he walked me  back from the bathroom (yes... I stood up and the pain practically blinded me.  This was the first time I can remember where I had this symptom).  

I thought of all of the times - as my caretaker.  My hero.  My patience.  My voice of reason.  My laughter.  My boys' dad.  

Thanks gaggy.  I appreciate what you do for me.

March 20, 2013

31 Good Things: Day 20 The Grass Is Greener

The grass actually IS greener today.

Yesterday I posted a picture on Instagram and linked it to the Twitterverse - of my backyard.  My backyard that is my three lab dogs "toilet".  I had just finished picking up all of the land mines and fuzz from torn apart Petco toys.  So I took a picture?

Well yes.  Because it's a major accomplishment to pick up the backyard after winter.  Now this wasn't my first "playdate with pooh" this year, but when the weather does what it does in The Can, I assure you, picking up out there is not done with regularity... even though their bowels stay consistently regular.  <sigh>

I jinxed the weather though - because, like washing a car brings the rain - I posted that my yard was clean, but lacking sunshine to help make my grass green.  So mother nature sent pouring sideways rain, black clouds, thunder and lightning instead.  

No matter - it actually appears as though that helped the grass turn greener.

In the front yard.

Until tomorrow.

March 19, 2013

31 Good Things - Day 18 & 19

Once upon a time, there were 3 little boys with their young parents.  It was the time of year where parents everywhere plan the day and time they will go visit Santa at the local mall.  This particular family never thought much about what the boys would wear, just made sure they were clean and semi-matched.  They had always gone to the same spot in the mall for pictures with Santa - never quite sure what kind of Santa they'd get.  

What they didn't know this particular year, that particular day - was that the Santa that was in their usual "shop" this year - would become their Santa for years to come.  He would eventually "move" with the remodeling and rebuilding of the downtown mecca.  

This Santa had asked each of these boys what they wanted from him this year.  It is not recalled what they said, though none of them said "basketball, hoop, jersey" - nothing that would point Santa to say this:

Santa:  "I'll bet I know who your favorite basketball player is."
Little Wiz:  "Who?"
Santa:  "John Stockton"
Little Wiz:  Wide eyed with amazement - gives a knowing smile.

As we walked away, The Little Wiz says to his younger Blue Eyed brother:  "We better be good, Ry.  He really DOES know everything."

When the family went on their visit the next year, Santa was not at that same ole spot.  When they inquired when he might be on "shift" some nice person informed them that that Santa could be found in Nordstrom until the new mall was finished.  So the family made there way there, to the very long line, and more expensive prices - to see the "Santa who knew everything."

As the years went by, those boys got older and "making" them go see Santa got harder and harder.  The mom pressed The Dad of the family to get the boys "into" it because one day, the Santa that always said "I was wondering when you and these boys were going to get here." to The Mom - was not going to be there.  

The past couple of years, when the lady and the man went to movies during "Santa" time at the mall, she always made it a point to see "their Santa" and even say hello... and for the past few years, he has not been there.  Then, this past Sunday, the lady opened up the paper and found - the obituary with his name on it.  No, she had never known his last name - but she knew his face, his eyes and his first name.  The name so many families knew him as... well, with "Santa" in front of it.  


Santa Elmer.

He passed away in December, but the celebration of  his life was yesterday.  

Thank you for the memories.  Thank you for caring for so many families and helping their children to Believe in the Magic of Christmas.

Santa Elmer


March 17, 2013

31 Good Things - 16 & 17 Running In The Family

What's good?

Well it's Sunday and I am finally able to walk normally...  So there's that.  Trying to shop at Costco, Rosauers, Petco & Albertsons prior to having all three boys home for dinner last night - prior to today, and being able to walk "normal" - was...  not so good.

#16:  The boys were all home.  Wack brought me mounds of laundry to do - which, was fine, though after washing all of the sheets, blankets and bathroom rugs and towels and getting them back to their beds, on their beds, and the covers turned down for their Minn bodies to crawl into - the thought of doing more, while not being able to walk - wasn't as exciting as it usually is.  But the boys were all home.  And hungry.  So salmon, salad, rice and bread it was... only to be topped off with a few of (12) very fresh, very green, shamrock shaped Rosauers shortbread cookies.  (The Wiz ate 3 here after dinner and took the remaining 9 home with him, at my urging.  We do not need those here.  Especially now that we know about that dang cheddar/caramel popcorn at Costco.  *&%^$#$& swear word)

#17:  We ate.  We sat on couches.  We sat on chairs.  We stood around the island and eventually we all ended up at the table with Xannie - Wacks' friend.  We were pulling up different YouTube videos on our iPhones and playing them (there's a nice feature with that Apple TV we bought a few months back where you can select to view what you've pulled up on your phone, up on the TV.  Very slick.)  I've selected three of my favorites below this post.  Enjoy them.  We also watched an old video The Dad had created from a Christmas Eve in 2006 up at our friends home.  There was a lot of laughter and conversation from photos, videos and the spring break in Lake Havasu that Blue Eyes had just returned from.  We talked intramural basketball and teams that were playing in a tournament The Wiz was in.  We talked about the fact that Wack finished his finals the week before "Finals Week" and "how nice" the older brothers thought that would be.  And while this was all fun, nice, friendly banter - there was something that I caught prior to my after dinner rest on the couch - that brought me to my feet and began my gravitation to the table crew.

REWIND A BIT:  Blue Eyes had made a comment after getting home, in idle chitchat prior to The Wiz pulling up, to The Dad about the annual Pig Dinner at WSU a few weeks back and while I know it's a yearly gig - he was explaining that to The Dad - the guy that doesn't retain these details.  Blue Eyes spoke of how it was marred a bit this year by the aortic aneurysm of his House Corporation President that happened just prior to the dinner.  Gary is his name and Ry works closely with him - in fact, speaks to him several times a day about house matters, things going on.  

FASTFORWARD AGAIN:  The boys all now at the table, The Dad cleaning up dinner and whether it was someone asking Blue Eyes when he was leaving tomorrow or one of us asking if he was going to head to the hospital (to see Gary) prior to heading out of town today sparked this:

Wack:  "Wait.  What?  Who's in the hospital?"
Blue Eyes:  "Oh.  This guy.  He's our Chapter President..."
Wack:  "Oh hey.  Wait.  Is it Gary?  Gary (last name)?"
Blue Eyes:  Looking to us, looking back at Wack - clearly trying to figure out how Wack knew this... while we look at him and to Wack, as clearly, we were as confused by Z knowing this man's name... and stumbles with "What?  Wait.  How did you know that?"
Wack:  "We all signed a card for him at our house.  Dude... he's like, THE MAN."
Blue Eyes, The Dad, MOTY:  Silenced.  In awe.  Speechless.
Blue Eyes:  "Huh.  Wow."
Wack:  "Dude.  We're FIJI's."

I was not only proud of Z-Man for putting this piece of the puzzle together (as far as a card he signed at his house for someone he didn't know), but to know that his house at a rival school was being taught that showing care or concern for someone you don't know, or know indirectly through your "family" is an important and invaluable life lesson.  I saw the effect it had on Ryan - who realized that the "rival school" had some class AND that this man who calls him 3 times a day sometimes - was respected by many more than just the young men residing on Opal Street in Pullman.

We have grown up with our kids and hoped we've done right by them by way of teaching them the difference between right, wrong, acceptance, coping, love, trust, forgiveness.  Some things easier than others.  My boys all have their families too... their band of brothers (& the ladies) - be it girlfriends, fraternities, sports teams, work.  Their families' expand - and with it, their hearts, their experiences and their lives.  I know that at our table on a Saturday night - two of my kids realized that their fraternal brotherhood (& school rivalry) melded together, if for a moment -  and found that a Cougar & a Husky "nation" could be united, by setting aside the trivial, not so important details - and accepting and caring for "family"...  even with Zach (and his fraternity brothers) not knowing the person in the first place.  And so as not to leave The Wiz out of this - that he, like The Dad and I - witnessed the exchanges and reaction.  

My family continues to grow through them.  If there was ever any question about whether lessons were instilled - they're gone now.

Best night of 2013.  Hands down.

March 15, 2013

31 Good Things - Day 15

Captains Log:  I can't move.

Which is a good thing - because it means I know ALL of the different areas that have not been affected by my "regular" work out.


March 14, 2013

31 Good Things - Halfway Point (ish)

Today - I ventured from the elliptical machines to the treadmill for the first time in a long while.  The treadmills at Oz are so old and worn down - they made it hard to run, or want to run.  So it's been 2 months since we joined Golds - and while The Dad has been running a lot, I just haven't.

Until today.  My sinuses cleared and no more waking up with a dull leftover headache - today was the day.

I ran slowly, but fairly effortlessly (thanks to the condition of the Golds Gym treadmills) for close to 30 minutes.  It's at this point that I finish my "warm up" and go do all of the other things I do for the next 30-45 minutes.  Until today.

I'd been telling myself for the past few weeks I was going to try the "Body Pump" class one of these days... It just so happened that that class was starting shortly after I was done wiping down the treadmill - so I thought, feeling good... "Why not?"

The "Body Pump" class is the equal to the "Rep Reebok" class at Oz.  My buddy Greg and I would often take the class at Oz early one morning and then, when unable to lift our arms the next day or even later on the same day we would find a reason NOT to make it back to the class the following week.  

So why did I want to put myself through this?  Especially alone, without someone else to laugh at?  I still can't answer this question.

30 minutes on the treadmill.  60 minutes of weights, stretches, pushups, cruelty... I survived it!  And tho' I am only able to rest my fingers on this keyboard, occasionally clicking a letter here and there - I have every intention of doing the class again.  Next Tuesday.  There's a class on Saturday mornings, but I'm realistic enough to know that in two days - I *might* just be getting to the "I can finally raise my arms about halfway to eye level." stage.  <knock on wood>

Good stuff on the "Mom Horizon" in the coming days!  Blue Eyes flies back to Seattle tomorrow night and is heading home for the weekend on Saturday.  Not long enough for MOTY, but it'll have to do.  Wack & The Wiz are heading into finals week and while The Wiz may be in and out - Wack will be home complaining about how there's nothing to eat in this house and asking me "What's for dinner?" before I've even come close to pretending to think about the late afternoon meal menu...  But I can't frickin wait!

#Let's gooooooo!

March 13, 2013

31 Good Things: 12 & 13 - The Pope & SFB

I was sitting down to write this post when across my Twitterverse came tweets that announced there was "white smoke" at the Vatican in St. Peters Square.  I quickly turned on CNN and started to watch with 1.2 million other people.  

I'm not Catholic.  The decision on a new Pope doesn't affect me personally per se - but it is history.  Again.  It's likely I'll see this production again in my life - seeing as Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio is 76 years of age.  But then - perhaps he will outlive me.  We just don't know what each day will bring.

The Dad pulled up while I was listening to the TV and scrubbing away the tarnish on the silver we own.  As he made his lunch (our lunch) - I listened in as everyone waited for the new popes introduction.  I'd listened and watched long enough to know that "we the people" were hoping for a reformist to be voted in versus a traditionalist.  I  knew that, once announced, Jorge's name was not among the five suspected "candidates" going in the other day.  The Dad wondered why I was drawn to this, why was I watching with such intent?  

WOTY:  "Becausssseee...  we need a reformist."
The Dad:  "Uhhhh.  Why?  We're not catholic."
WOTY:  "For women in the church.  For same sex couples who were raised in the catholic church.  For the PEOPLE."  (Duh)
The Dad:  "Huh"  

So we sat and we ate and watched.  I should add that I had also learned earlier on that the newly elected pope picks his name and that from that name, the people take from that what they can expect.  Change or more same ole, same ole.  So the pope is introduced - Cardinal Bergoglio.  

And the name he picked...  Francis.  Pope Francis.

He is the first pope to pick "Francis" as his name.  He is the first pope from South America.  His "name" brings hope.  Expected change.  It's what the world of "today" needs.  The people are happy.

My mind has been heavy the last several days - thinking of my niece, Sarah.  I spend time wondering; "What is going on?",  "What message am I missing?",  "There's a reason, what is it?" - that I'm thinking of her so much.  Eventually something happens to put these times into perspective...  

I'm not catholic.  My life won't change because a new pope has been elected.  But my heart swelled when I heard he selected the name "Francis".  It answered those questions, without answering them.  I'm at ease.

It's spelled differently, but it has the same meaning...  While I know she's always watching over her family, her friends... she's taken the heavens by storm and don't think for a moment it wasn't her voice, coupled with others where she is - that brought this new hope, new change, new name to so many many more!

Hats off to Sarah Frances Baisden and Pope Francis.  

March 11, 2013

31 Good Things - 11

What's good?

The local news stations messed up on the weather again!  The sun is shining, the dogs are out basking in it, though I am not.  The dogs will lay in the sun for hours when it's 50 degrees. I however, require the temperature to be much higher - more like 72 before I'll even attempt to pull weeds, garden, leave the house without my winter parka on...

Them being out means I don't have them under my feet while I do the laundry, gut more closets, empty garbages and sit looking out the window at what the sun is doing to my yard, the trees and my general mood!

What's NOT good (I know that's not the title of the segments this month) is the first spider I had to destroy this morning in my own bathroom.  Usually the spiders keep to the basement so I'm not sure where this wicked arachnid came from - but I assure you, he is no longer my concern.  It's his pals that now are.  

Maybe the spiders would like some peanut butter?  

March 10, 2013

31 Good Things - TEN

More than 10 dog-style land mines were picked up out in the back 40 this morning.  My intent was to pick them up yesterday morning - but The Dad and I ventured to the Centennial Trail with our bikes.  The furthest ride we've been on was about 14 miles last fall when we first brought the bikes home from Portland.  This is old news.

A few non-wet Saturdays ago we ventured out 10 miles just from home and around the upper South Hill.  Next up, Saturday a week ago - 12.3 miles - or something like that - in the general same direction.  But yesterday, minus one stop - because while my entire body was warm - my hands were not.  Not even with the warm fuzzy biking gloves with fingers in them and me "exercising" my fingers while riding, could I get them to even think about warming up.  Much as I tried not to think about it - the stinging pains were going to my head and then it was ALL I could think about.  So we stopped for a few, warmed up my paws and away we went.  10 miles out the Centennial Trail - 10 miles back.  

The day was sunny and warmed up - though not as much as was forecast, but I found it hard to leave the couch after getting cleaned up.  We watched the Cougs win, then the Zags and started up some SNL before determining it was time for bed.  I imagine it didn't help that we were out kabitzing with the Ewings on Friday night!

So today, after moving our clocks forward (one hour closer to Cabo) and organizing the house a little, we hit Starbucks.  On the way home I asked (who am I trying to kid... TOLD) The Dad that while he fixed breakfast, I would pick up the yard.  We joked on the way home that we had NO intention of spending the entire Sunday on the couch.  But we'd made a little mistake while idly chit chatting at Starbucks about some characters name from "The Rescuers Down Under".  A movie #7/The Wiz watched so.  many.  times. So when I reappeared from the depths of the backyard and dog poo...  I walked in to a smiling Gaggy - who had "found" "Rescuers Down Under" on Netflix.  He finished frying the eggs, put a few pieces of bacon on my plate and we started a movie we haven't watched in about 20 years.

And the memories gushed through the house as we remembered sitting #7 down in front of our 20 inch TV, how we'd rewind and then throw in the VHS tape, hear him pop out his fuddy and excitedly proclaim that he was watching "Res uers Down Under"  No "c" sound.

The movie is over.  We are considering watching "Bease"  (Beauty & The Beast).  Until then - movie is over, backyard is clear - the rain has started to fall, but I still feel like yesterdays sun is shining down as we spend a Sunday "with the kids" in an entirely different manner.  

Good stuff.

March 9, 2013

31 Good Things - #9

It's Saturday.  The sun is shining.  It's spring break for Blue Eyes who just texted he's boarding his next flight from San Fran to Vegas - then getting on a bus to Lake Havasu with his pals for the next 6 days.  Lucky cat.

The Dad and I are taking the Cannondale & Specialized out for a trek today when he's done playing racquetball at that dive gym.  And while it doesn't sound like a "good thing" - we'll also get to pick up the next "batch" of land mines that the snow from Thursday morning covered up.  The sunshine yesterday took care of most of the snow in the back 40  - so the sun today should take care of the rest of it, allowing us to do this deed.

But the real goodness today is the sun... especially as the forecast is showing 5 days of rain to follow it up.  AT LEAST one of those rainy days - the forecast high is 59.  That's enough to make most of us "elders" in The Can - feel like dancing!

Speaking of dancing - and as I've been on a YouTube thrill ride the past several posts - I thought this one below deserved to be seen.  You must watch it til the bitter end.  I kid you not.

Did you watch it?  The first thing that popped into my head when she began dancing on the top step was - "If my mom moved like that, she'd throw her back out."

Good stuff.  

March 8, 2013

31 Good Things: El Numero Ocho

I think it's funny when people fall.  Not in ALL circumstances, obviously.  I've got a bit of the devil in me sure - but I still cry at Hallmark commercials.  So if you fell and it was nasty and you were hurt, well... you'd have to be like... literally... hurt.  I wouldn't laugh.  I mean it.  Swear.

But if you - say, take the steps two at a time in a hurry, coming up, and you trip - and you've done this too many times to count (The Dad) - I would likely ask you when you got up the stairs, while trying to hold in my laughter "How was your trip?"  I don't have to see this happening - with The Dad, I can hear it... What makes it that much funnier is that he ascends the top steps and looks to see if anyone heard, saw...  kind of like (here I go again with the cats) when a cat loses it's footing (rare) and topples off of something and then pretend that they meant to do it.

So The Dad tells me to pull up this video this morning and I'm sort of thinking at first glance - "uhh ya... okay."  Fairly disinterested just looking at the main frame.  Annnnd then I watched it.  And like Pinocchio and his nose that grows - my horns popped out a little.  Until my snort and laughter met up with the stomach muscles that are doing a new routine at the gym.  

Laughing at 6 AM was Good Thing #8.  But to add to #8: It's Blue Eyes spring break and he's headed to Arizona with friends tomorrow.  The sun is rumored to shine later on today.  The blue recycle thing DID find it's way into the garage yesterday.  The Dad made snickerdoodles last night.  Say what?  It's Friday.  Two months until Cabo - Year 3.  Snap Chat is hysterical... especially when you're friend sends you a text at 10:07pm to ask a question about it!  We've made it through one full week in March.  Three more to go.

March 7, 2013

31 Good Things: 7

Okay.  There are definitely at least 31 Good Things I can write about.  But when the first thing you see when you wake from your slumber - on March 7th - is... snow.  again.  Well, that made it difficult to think of them.

Sure it's many hours later and the snow is trying to melt away - so let it go - right?

Ya but... I mean... from where I sit right now - I'm looking out the window and whereas on the lower South Hill, Downtown or Valley show virtually NO lingering signs of snow - there's STILL snow up here on the mountain.  Key word:  Mountain.  But still... <whining>. And from where I sit - as I peer out onto the road, there's this big blue recycle bin thingy that must get rolled into the garage.  While my neighbors' bins are all out on the road... I don't have the same excuse they have - that being: they are still at work.  My excuse is much like a cat who really has zero intention of walking around you to get to the nice cozy spot on the couch... They take the shortcut and walk over you.  I have ZERO intention of going out into the wet, gray, slushy cold when - the shortcut for me is to "let" The Dad pull up and bring it in.

I thought it was big of me to bring in the garbage bin when I got home from the gym this morning after doing some new exercises and equipment.  Then... at that time, there was still two inches of slush all over the driveway.  At best The Dad might step in a small puddle to get the blue bin in... yet as I look out upon the driveway, even it has dried up.

Mostly - I don't have a real valid excuse for not getting off my rear to bring in the bin.  My catlike instincts have kicked in and I'm pretty much okay with leaving it out there for someone else to take care of.

And those "catlike instincts", my friends - are 31 Good Things - #7.  

March 6, 2013

31 Good Things: Cinco & Seis

Cinco:  This!   Hysterical.  I don't have cats anymore - but when I was a teen and visited my dad & family in Arizona - we had a gray kitty (Charles - the cat with ASTHMA) who this reminds me so much of.  On a day when I have conveniently gotten a kink in my neck, the day after a nice 80 massage and can't turn my head... this takes my mind off of it.

Y Seis:  This!  The countdown is on to Cabo San Lucas!  Year 3.  

March 4, 2013

31 Good Things: #2, #3 & #4

31 Good Things in March - found Day 2 on Saturday, March 2nd.  The sun was trying to shine through, it was a bit warmer than previous days... and it was The Dad's and my 22nd anniversary.  That's a lot of 2's! 

We've been anxious for spring to get here so we can get out on our road bikes and get some good use out of them this year.  We bought them last September and while we rode fairly often - our "season" had been cut short by the thick fire smoke that filled the air for weeks on end, things that needed to happen for our weekly Saturday football games & tailgates and eventually, losing daylight as the days wore on.  So on Saturday, March 2, 2013 - we took the bikes out for their 2nd ride out in 2013.  We only upped our distance by about 2.5 miles from the last ride - but the clouds were heading in, the wind was picking up - and it was clearly past my Starbucks time.  We stopped at the church we were married at, he took an unflattering picture of us and home we headed.  

We picked up.  We cleaned up.  We watched the Zags - sort of.  They were slaughtering their opponent and we still had a few seasons of "Breaking Bad" to watch.  So between the 2 things - we covered the afternoon.  We decided to try something different for our anniversary dinner.  We've been to Clinkerdaggers' several times in the past three months so we (I) picked ZOLA.  Had a nice small "meal" a few cocktails and off we went to so a not so great movie. (Side Effects).  The 2nd of March was a good, good day.

Day 3:  Colder, windier... and "technically" - my "day off" from working out.  Day 3 was a great... lazy day.  Lazy in that we finished Season 3 of "Breaking Bad" and started Season 4.  We also watched our DVR'd recording of Saturday Night LIve - which was not good.  Not good at all - with the exception of the musical guest Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.  Much like how Spokane jumps on the Gonzaga Basketball bandwagon when they win and make it to the tournament - so are we, on the "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis" bandwagon - what with Ryan Lewis having been a Moran Prairie PrairieDog and short time Ferris Saxon.  Gotta root for the locals - for sure.  It's been a fun story to watch evolve - especially with Blue Eyes catching on to them a few years ago before they hit it big... SNL big!  Bravo.

Day 4:  Captains Log:  March 4, 2013.  The day didn't start out so well... still isn't fantastic for that matter - having pinched a nerve in my neck/shoulder area last night.  I laugh as I think about sleeping with the neck pillow we bought for our Cabo trips a few years back - in bed - last night.  I have a great masseuse but she's booked up until tomorrow... I'm on the "cancellation" list.  I'm really really really crossing fingers for a cancellation.  All of that aside - the sun is shining, it's colder today than yesterday thus far - but it's bright and shiny and I'm finding it somewhat easy to pay ZERO attention to all of the dust on the windows of my house.  That's good enough for me today!

March 1, 2013

31 Good Things: Day 1

In an effort to not fret the month of March - I'm going to simply post one good thing a day here to help not think about March.  Nevermind that this morning, after my workout and usual stop at my Starbucks - that I pulled away from the drive-thru only to find they did not make my drink right.  :(  Then, pulled up to the house and found a frolicky little squirrel fella digging with much fervor to find all of the walnuts he picked off our walnut tree last fall to bury/hide in anticipation of winter.  We don't love this so much because he never finds them all and by the time it warms up and drys out enough outside to go and weed and groom the yard - about 107 new baby walnut trees must be uprooted!  He was not having any success as I sat in the driveway and watched him for what felt like 5 minutes - but was probably 39 seconds.  I shrugged it off and as I ascended the stairs in the garage and the dogs barked in anticipation of seeing "ma", opened the door to find that they apparently learned how to open the garbage drawer while I was gone.  This was a first and it would appear my beautiful new (ish) kitchen may need babyproofing - long before I have any babies entering this house.  

So there is the beginning of March for me.

Super.  Duper.  Neat.

I was going to attack the massive amount of dog land mines in the back yard this morning - but the wind is blowing bringing a bitterness to it that I do not care for... maybe tomorrow.  On our anniversary.  ;)

But back to 31 Good Things - Day 1:  Okay.  I got it.

Last night - The Dad and I went to Famous Eds to watch the G.U. game.  We ordered our pizza, chit chatted, chatted with people we knew in the packed establishment and came home to finish watching the game and listen to Blue Eyes radio show.  The game ended late.  Actually - at one point The Dad hit rewind for me to see something and then we forgot to go back to "live".  As I was "watching" the twitterverse on my iPhone5, there were tweets from folks glad the game was over and that "we" survived it.  I then realized we had never gone back to "live" so as I was telling The Dad he "shushed" me and said he didn't want to know.  Uhhh... there's 12 seconds left honey...  Still, I kissed him on the cheek and said "I'm going to bed.  Let me know who won when you come back." as I smirked and left the room.

He came back and as he climbed into bed and was pulling out his ipad my phone chimed with an alert.  Or so I thought.  But it went a few more times and finally The Dad says to me - "Is your phone ringing?"  And it was.  I suppose I wasn't expecting that, considering it was after 11pm.  And this is how it went:

MOTY: (Seeing it was Wack)  "Hey you.  What's up?"
Wack:  "Hey mom.  I don't want to be calling you for this reason, but, well... (this is where a mothers heart begins to beat faster and her head begins to imagine the worst) but we were at a function in downtown Seattle tonight and this girl was in a bad way and I had to take a cab with her back to her house to get her home and had to pay for the cab - which... I think made me go negative in my account and..."
MOTY:  "Oh.  <huge sigh of relief>  No worries.  I'll have dad transfer you $$ right now."
Wack:  "I'm sorry to be calling so late, but I just don't want to be charged and she had to get home..."
MOTY:  "It's okay.  It's really okay.  You got the girl home?"
Wack:  "Yea.  She needed to get home and I couldn't put her in a cab by herself."
MOTY:  <beaming with pride>  "Good.  That's good.  You're not going back downtown are you?" 
Wack:  "No.  In fact I'm just getting home."  

I told him this morning that I was very proud of him to do the right thing, get someone home, even though it meant him leaving when he was having a good time and two - that he was concerned enough about his $$ situation and good standing - that he didn't hesitate to call us, even after 11pm.  

That's good stuff, right there.