February 6, 2013

Knock Knock... Who's There?

I came home after The Dad one day last week and while I was closing the shades and turning on the front porch light I saw a few sheets on the table that I knew were not there when I'd left - as I had straightened up prior to leaving the house.  I asked The Dad - "What's that?" 

The Dad:  "I don't know."
WOTY:  "You don't know?"
The Dad:  "Look at it."

I went over and picked up the three sheets of paper - printer paper.  They were articles printed out of The News Tribune and Seattle Times - articles about #7.  

So I shrug questioningly and look back at The Dad.

The Dad:  "They were on the front door when I got home."
WOTY:  "On the front porch? So someone stopped by and left them?"
The Dad:  "I guess."

Sure people have left things on our porch from time to time but generally, we know who left the "something" - either because they told us they left it or because we told them "If we're not home, go ahead and leave it on the porch."  Right?

The next day, as we woke up and went through the morning motions, vitamins, breakfast drinks, black cohosh, supplements... yada yada yada, I grabbed the papers again while we stood there and I commented while looking at them...

MotherBear: "It's like someone was searching him."
The Dad:  "I know."
MotherBear:  "If this person knew ME they'd know I already HAVE these articles.  But what's weird is that they are printed on two different (consecutive) days and one of the articles is 4 years old?"
The Dad:  "I know."
MotherBear:  "Weird."
The Dad:  "Ya."

Ahhhh The Dad is a man of few words.  But while he brushes much off, he appeared to be chewing on this as well.

I never had an imaginary friend when I was little - but I have QUITE an imagination and at present time, plenty of time to imagine things.  None of our friends have made mention that "Oh hey, I came across some articles of #7 in December and printed them off, left them on your door the other day." so then - now what?

Nothing, I guess.  Except that in an age where people are dressing like the cable guy or a utility employee and attacking homeowners when they open the door, there are daily shootings or murder-death-kills in The Can, fires, stabbings, robberies, old man storms a school bus and keeps a little boy in a bunker for 6 days...  The idea that someone "random?" (Random yet, knows where we live - not that that isn't easily searchable as well) was searching information or stories about MY #7 at a very particular time, printed them out and left them on our door several weeks later - is just weird.  No? So yes, I let my imagination and worry overtake me which is sure to shorten my lifespan. 

I hope whomever left them just completely, completely spaced calling or texting to say, "Oh hey, I came across some articles of #7 in December and printed them off, left them on your door the other day. I'm SURE you probably have them already, but just in case." and will eventually remember to perhaps do so.  Otherwise, my imagination leaves me no alternative than to assume you are like Robert De Niro in "The Fan".  And if you're like that - that means my SuperMom powers must be activated until further notice.  Sorry boys...  ;)

In other news:  No Avista, jackhammer sightings today...  AND... it's a big day.  Two months from today - Blue Eyes turns "21".  Hoo Ah!!!

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