February 18, 2013

Clearly, The Groundhog Has Vision Problems!

We woke up Saturday morning and while I had been battling a headache for a few days - The Dad had mentioned on Friday night, that perhaps we could go for a bike ride on Saturday after he played racquetball.  I sort of shot the idea down because my head had been hurting, but I found some energy while he was off at the gym and decided to buck up... after all, the sun was shining.  It was feeling like spring might be "on the way."

I've felt unstable on the bike - even after riding it all of last September and October so was a skoche anxious to get going.  And because of that, we'd been driving down to a local trail and hitting it from there.  But the sun was shining, I was feeling like attacking roads with cars and such...  And so we did.  We only went 10.16 miles - finishing off with "the hill" that starts at Palouse Highway and 57th and ends 270 feet from my front door.  Ugh.  It felt fantastic (my new workout has really helped my leg strength so much so that I was not noodle-y when I disembarked the two wheel vehicle) and I was thinking how great it would be if Sunday came around and the sun was shining again... though hopefully a tad warmer than the 34 degrees we rode in the day before.

Well.  Punxsutawney Phil is clearly struggling with his vision in his old, old, old... VERY old age.  For when I awakened on Sunday morning - with a tad of a headache again, I was thinking that the fresh air was going to help me clear that all up again.  Not to be.  Instead, there was an inch of snow on the ground.  Not only that - while the sun was shining BRIGHT - it was not warming up in the slightest to help aid its' melting.  Apparently Mother Nature and Phil do not coordinate before the announcement is made that spring is on the way or that there's 6 more weeks of winter.  

We changed up the plan for the day and ended up having #7, his girlfriend #10 and her folks over for dinner last night.  Wack exited shortly after they arrived to hang out with other college kids that also came into town for the long weekend.  We ate, chatted, talked, laughed, showed incriminating photos and forgot about the snow, the colder temperatures and whether or not we got "punk'd" by the groundhog.

I pulled up the weather app on i5 today and she sports snow Friday through Sunday.  This coming... Friday THRU Sunday.  That's crap.  In a sue happy world... I'm sure there's a way to sue Phil & Co.  Right?  Someone with more time than I care to spend looking into it will eventually do this.  Probably some  "Horrendous Bride" or "Nightmare Brides" or whatever that show is called when it interferes with her February or March wedding.  I called it here first if that ever happens.  Just sayin'.  

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