February 20, 2013

Eagles & Cougars & Huskies, Oh My!

Let's say you went to Duke.  You loved the experience, met your significant other there, donate to the alumni or sports programs, and have high hopes that little baby "you's" will attend your alma mater.  

Orrrr.... perhaps you didn't attend attend college at all, but your parents, uncle, brother, grandmother or favorite teacher got you hooked on the UCLA Bruins and even though you didn't attend the university, you watched them since you were yay-tall and if you talked to someone that wasn't rooting for the Bruins, you heckled them.  You still do.  The Bruins, through relationships, became your favorite school/team.  This is how it often works.

Most of us have a favorite NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL... team and personally know NO ONE on any of the teams but we picked our team early on, for whatever reason.  Much like college. But different, right?  Because no matter how much I like the Denver Broncos - the most I can do with that - is attend a game or root for them from my couch on Sundays during the fall.  I will never play for them, work for them, know any of them, take a class from them...  But college is different.  When one picks a college to attend, they are making a very important decision. Which is hard to do at 18.  And 9 times out of 10, the decision was the right one for the student, assuming the student made the choice and not the parents or family lineage.  This year, more than I've ever heard of before, there are kids Wacks age - that just didn't love the college they started at this year and *poof* - just like that, started filling out applications to other schools, with different living/residence options, different states, more $$, less $$, what have you.  

Most of the people I know (The Dads & my age), made their choice - drove themselves to college, set up their room and dealt with all the shtick that comes with living with someone new, figuring out each others idiosyncrasies, planning, learning how to plan, manage time, finances, friendships, and which party to attend next weekend.

Nowadays, it seems that kids are used to their own room, or quiet or having run of the house at home that they are less adjusted or less willing to adjust to something new, something they may not like, someone they may not like and so as soon as they are in, they are practically out.  Which I put on "us" as parents.  Lack of coping skills.

All that aside - and I think it's a big talking point - my kids made their choices.  They made them for their own reasons - be it sports, educational programs, location.  They've dealt with "issues" on their own before we ever hear about it - usually.

But they are happy being an Eagle.  A Cougar.  A Dawg.  And we are happy they are happy.

8 other moms and myself recently put together Valentines care packages for our college freshman.  Moms of Cougars, Vandals, Bengals, Huskies, Mules, etc.  We chatted about how the kids were all doing, how the year was going, what it's like having one gone, or two, or in some cases... three...  There were no "Eewwwww Huskies!" or "They coug'd it" comments.  Nothing derogatory about any of the schools, or choices the kids had made and their parents supported.

This past weekend, we had some friends up while Wack was home and these people, who had a child that was a Cougar once upon a time - simply asked him how it was going?  Did he like it?  What was he studying?  And - good job.  That's great.  No comments like "Well, you're wearing the wrong colors." or "If you'd have gone to Pullman..."  It was so refreshing.

It made me realize I'm tired of the people that put ANY of my kids schools down, even in jest.  No, I realized it long before this - but it was after two great "experiences" that is making me "talk" about it.  If an adult feels the need to put down one of my kids school - be it to my kids, to me - either or, I think that's sad.   If your offspring chooses Montana State - I say "great!"  If it's where the kid wants to go - that's great!  It's the rival of one of my sons' school, but so what?  If my kids want to carry on the banter of "my school is better than your school" with their friends at rival schools or schools they don't think much of - they GET to do that.  They are living it.  They are involved.  They have those "connections." But for me to put down a school I did not attend to another parent who is happy for their child, is supporting their child -  just because it is the rival of one of my kids schools - seems small minded.  

Sure there is a time and place for some razzing and banter and fun-making... it's those that do it EVERY time that need to just take a frickin chill pill.  Does it make them feel better to put down a kids choice?  What made them hate someones school so badly that there's always that "expected" put down?  I don't get it.

I'm just happy they are where they want to be and happy that their friends are where they want to be.  Just so long as they are happy and furthering their education and learning, not only in a classroom, but of life in general - that's what matters.  I support Black, Red & White; Crimson & Gray and Purple & Gold.  It's surely given me a lot more options to hang in the closet and brings a lot more color into what at times, feels like such a gray, one dimensional world.

An Eagle, A Cougar & A Huskie

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