February 23, 2013

Just Like It Sounds

It's Saturday and The Dad and I made a plan to meet at Starbucks after our Saturday workouts.  We have to "meet" because Saturday is the day he ventures into Oz Fitness for his weekly racquetball matchup - while I make my (usually) 6th visit to Golds Gym for a shorter workout in comparison to the other 5 days of the week.  

I was a tad behind due to a phone call that lasted 30 minutes - so he was waiting for me when I finished my workout.  

I walked in, did a wifely eyeroll when seeing that he didn't order MY drink, knowing I was on my way...  and headed to the line.  The gal in front of me ordered 3 drinks so it felt like a bit of an eternity while I waited for my tall, nonfat, with whip - cinnamon dolce latte that Megan was working hard getting to.  As I stood there three young men were up to the "Order Here" spot and the gal at the cashier asked Young Man #1 for his order...

CuteSBEmp:  "And your name?"
YM#1: ....unintelligible....  (but it sounded to me like he said "Brian")
CuteSBEmp:  "Brian?"
YM#1: ....repeats unintelligible.... (but it sounded AGAIN from where I was, like "Brian")
CuteSBEmp:  "I'm sorry... Ryan?"  (which wasn't a bad go for a guy that was trying to be cool and not frickin SPEAK THE *#&% UP)
YM#1:  "No.  B - R - A - C - K.  Just like it sounds."

Well... BRACK...  you didn't speak loud enough for her to hear you (I was actually pretty dang close and I couldn't understand you).  So BRACK Just Like It Sounds...  because you were so rude and obviously don't realize that a name like "BRACK" isn't much of a common name - therefore likely easily misunderstood - I thought I'd help get it out there for you.

The Dad spelled BRACK entirely different though after I told him the story...  it had a C and K, an I, "HEAD" and a D.  This was one time I didn't correct him.  I think that's exactly how it sounds.

I'm sorry you've had to repeat that SO many times to people over the span of your life... but at some point - if you'd just speak up - you wouldn't get all of the patrons standing near you at Starbucks thinking you're some uppity young snob.  I'll bet the little cashier and barrista would like to sing you the song attached here today.  Just sayin.

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