February 14, 2013

Hunk & Kiss! ~ Happy Valentines Day!

With the arrival of each little boy in our family... or rather the arrival of them learning how to talk - came several "kid" coined phrases that we just have never let die.  They were dang adorable then - and each time we use one of them - and we still use them, we get to smile and laugh because of the memories behind it.  I may not remember exact days, or times they said these phrases - but I can *hear* their voices like it was yesterday, see them (one of them anyhow) spitting out his fuddy (that's a "pacifier" to the rest of you) making their comments and carrying on.

Okay - when I say "we" still use them, I mean of course, The Dad and I.  The kids wouldn't be caught dead using them.

Gobby:  A "gobby" is a blanky (blanket) that Wack needed to have at bed time.  Sort of like the "wooby" in "Mr. Mom".

Muk:  This is actually "milk".  Though we don't use this one as much as the rest.

Prelly:  This was used with the word "much"...  "Prelly much."  Somehow the "t" sound was lost in pretty.  

Gag:  Uhhh... this is code for "Dad".  It's not the most complimentary way to say "dad" but it's what #7 came up with early on.  He didn't call him "gag" or "gaggy" for too long, but it stuck, much to The Dads' liking.

Bean: This is what #7 called "Wayne" - and it sort of fits him.  We use this one occasionally with Wayne, who hates making the blog, just to poke fun at him.  Right Bean?  I mean, Wayne?

Mean Bad Guys:  These are all of the "pirates" on the ride "Pirates of the Caribbean" at Disneyland.  Wack was 2 1/2 the first time we went down there and though he had spent WEEKS watching a complimentary vacation video of Disneyland and looooooved that ride in the video - the most... once we rode the ride, it was near impossible to get Wack on any. other. ride. during the trip.

Boo:  This is not actually the word "boo", as if to scare someone... this was Blue Eyes' word for... well... nevermind.

There are more - but none more deserving of mentioning today, Valentines Day, than - "Hunk & Kiss".  Somehow "hug and kiss" found it's way out of the mouths of babes as "hunk and kiss"...  

So today - I'd like to blow a "hunk & kiss" to J, J, R, Z, Snooze, Lane and all of these little puppies...

Prelly please can I have one gag?  Prelly pleaseeee.....

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