June 12, 2013

Ready Or Not... (Queue Darth Vader March)

The Dad left early for Portland for his first - of many to come - out of town trips...  I was wide awake from 4:47 AM on.  Fed the dogs, unloaded the dishwasher, started some laundry, picked up the living room, swept the floors, folded some laundry and then laid down thinking I'd just rest for a minute.  58 minutes later I woke up, thinking that it could have only been mere minutes that had passed...

Then the rush was on.  I knew today I HAD to get my run in for #56milesinjune because though I mowed the Back 40 yesterday - I gave my shins and feet a break after having run 6 of the previous 7 days.  But I had to run today because just as soon as I'm done with this little post - I'm off myself... by myself... for the first time in 15 years... to Seattle.

15 years ago this summer - I drove to Seattle to pick up my best pal from high school to drive her from her relatives to Spokane for our 10 Year High School Reunion.  Gads... THAT makes us sound old  - which we aren't.  This time, I'm driving over to pick up my baby from his first year of college.

All that whining I did about empty nest now gets to turn into wishing and whining - waiting for them to head back to school.  Sometimes anyhow... But not for a few weeks yet.  We've got a celebration this week for #7 and #10 for graduating with honors from EWU (even though #7 will continue for another quarter or two to finish his electrical engineering degree), then off to an out of town wedding where the hotel rooms are all set, the dogs and house finally  have a sitter... our only hitch is that we don't have a convenient way to get seven people there.  So... there's still that to work on... THEN it's Hoopfest which is like Christmas at our house and THEN... let the stinky, dirty, socks and whining about how we have no food in the house begin.

I've loaded up my iPod nano and have my little connector in the car for my solo road trip.  I'm going to head to 4503 17th Ave NE, pick up Zach Attack and we're going to get a bit to eat downtown, then take in the Mariners game ( #maythemorsebewithyou ), before I drop him off to finish his packing and whatever else must go on in a fraternity before heading to The Dads' uncles home to lay my head down to sleep.  I've already told Wack that I intend that we leave early.  His response "Like uhhh.  What does that  mean?  730 or 8?"  MOTY:  "Yes.  Like that."  So my time in Seattle will be brief, much like it was 15 years ago... over one day, back the next.

Ready or not... here comes Summer!

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