June 24, 2013

A Fantastic, But $pendy Weekend & A New Challenge!

Oh last week and weekend... while it was real, and it was fun... we are happy to be entering this week!

Last week found one of the windows in Blue Eyes Jeep smashed out.  It was time for tabs for two cars, an oil change and tune up for the Tahoe due to a road trip and a long overdue hair appointment for me!  Yikes!  We all awoke at the crack of dawn on Saturday to make the 6 hour trek to Vancouver, WA for our nieces/cousins' wedding!  We made good time, only to realize about a half hour out of Vancouver that the check in time at the hotel was 3 pm.  The wedding was at 4 and 45 minutes away.  Fortunately - another relative allowed the boys into their room to shower up and the hotel was able to make available one of our three rooms... so the girls started getting ready while I sat and waited for the hotel to ring up when each additional room was ready. tic tok tic tok tic tok

By the time that all happened - #7 had gone off to shop for a wedding gift and I quickly put myself together.  Off we went in two cars to a most beautiful wedding setting!  We hugged family and friends of the kids, took some photos and a handful of us, after taking in an amazing afternoon for my niece and her new husband, made the trek back to the hotel - knowing morning would come early and another 6 hour drive was ahead of us.


No one knew I had three amazing girls in my life!

Not much better in the world than this right here!

Other than this...  Me and My Three Sons!

I woke up not feeling well (surely this didn't come from a shot and a half of fireball or two glasses of Angry Orchard!) at 5 AM and was up the rest of the morning while The Dad snored off and on.  I showered, then took a bath while my stomach churned and churned. I finally dried my hair and went down to get my latte from a very terse, not polite at all Hilton-Starbucks employee.  I brought one back up to the room for The Dad - as he tried to wake up little by little and finally, my tummy began to settle.  We notified the 6 "children" we had with us what time we were hitting the road and then took in a short walk to the Starbucks a block away with the boys Uncle and Aunt and spent some time chatting before parting ways and "picking up" the kids who had all taken in time on the Party Bus after the wedding.  What we found when we arrived were three very sick kids.  Two hungover, two with stomach issues.  When we checked out, we collected a plethora of baggies from the front desk so that, like on airplanes... we had "puke bags" handy. It was a most expensive weekend for The Dad and I, what with the broken window, dog sitter and travel - but it was a great weekend to watch them all shine!

The K-S family has so much to be happy about and shine on about for a long time to come!  It was a perfect day!

Now it's a Minn themed week minus my license and debit card that The Dad lost in Vancouver.  So I will not be spending any money this week until a replacement comes... and I shouldn't be driving because I have no license... No matter... the $$$ is long gone now!!  But now it's HOOPFEST WEEK and we have family coming to town to take it in with us and watch the boys play some fun, hot, street ball!  The weather is supposed to be as perfect as it can be here and it's always a weekend of many gatherings and fun!  There's a concert on Saturday night and a birthday bash on Friday...  So away we go!

UPDATE:  Sunday ends the #56milesinjune challenge I began on June 4th - and after missing the last three days - I laced up today and ran a slow, but O.K. 5k this morning.  I am currently at 44 miles with 6 days to go.  If this stupid rain would go away - or at least warm up a skoche, I could rock the outdoor run because I run so much better outdoors than on a treadmill!  But as it stands now - I see myself MAKING this goal!  The next goal is to work on flexibility with the #hausofgirlshollowback challenge!  Bring.  It.  On.

You in!?!?  Follow @hausofgirls or #hausofgirlshollowback on Instagram!

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