June 18, 2013

Countdown Is On!

We are less than 2 weeks away from Hoopfest.  Spokane Hoopfest 2013 to be exact!  The WORLDS' largest 3-on-3 street basketball tournament!

That night we had an iPhone messaging frenzy with our friends - where I was feverishly working to look at every picture I've taken, to take an iPhoto of and message off to humiliate and laugh at whomever it was of (The Dad, usually) - that sit in a myriad of boxes in the spare bed/bike/whatever room, I found year after year of Hoopfest photos.  

Action photos.  Team photos.  Champion photos.  Not champion photos.  Parents watching photos.  Teammates watching photos.  So.  Many.  Hoopfest.  Photos!!!

So here we are.  June 18th...  with the kickoff really beginning in 9 days and Tip-Off in 11!  The boys' teams are all set, minus the one family team I was supposed to register for The Dad and sons...  there's always next year for that.  C'mon... I've been busy!  Sort of.

We're in a cooling trend in The Can this week... lots of rain, windy, thunder booming, lightning striking weather - which, speaking of, was quite spectacular last night/this morning.  I went to sleep counting between a flash of lightning and the thunder booms to see if the storm was coming in, or leaving.  I don't remember - so it did a splendid job of taking over for counting sheep!

But for Hoopfest, as a fan - we don't want rain.  We don't want thunder. Nor lightning.  So this little "system" better weather it's own storm and skidaddle on outta here by, say, Tuesday-ish!


Other than Hoopfest - we spent some of last week preparing for #7's college graduation... well, rather, for his party for his first degree in Finance.  He's got a little more to go to finish up his second Electrical Engineering degree.  I drove to Seattle, picked up Wack from the FIJI house and found that I could kick ass driving over there.  All that being hesitant and feeling like I couldn't drive over there was poppycock and I killed it.  I kicked it's a**, truth be told.  I'm actually looking for an excuse to go back so I can do it some more.  Which... may not be a good thing...  it was empowering enough for me - and I'm just a skoche competitive sooooo...  I need to keep my solo visits to a minimum perhaps. <?>  

I've got some things I've been chewing on to write about - but it's summer and my flowers and the sunshine that's been hitting my lawn and deck have been keeping me happy - so the stuff that's murky and not really worth my energy is going to wait.  Hopefully, when the sun fades and the temperatures drop - I'll have let them go entirely and be better off because of it.  I actually think I'm fairly close to being "there" - it's been over 2 and a half years in the making and I'm that person that - once the realization is there - but then I try to rationalize or give it that "one last time" (for the umpteenth time), but then the realization and truth smack you again... but still you try to make "it" - O.K., but then it happens again...  Yeh.  I'm done.  That's where I'm at and I know it's not even worth talking about.  But... you know.  It's still a little bothersome.  But fading.  Quickly.  So that's a good thing - to top of a not so good thing.  But healthy.

Sheesh.  Life sounds more complicated than it really is sometimes.


Let's end with this:

How fun is this?  I got retweeted by the social media guru at LIVE with Kelly & Michael to 629.4 THOUSAND tweeples!  I frickin' rule!

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