May 30, 2013

My Inner Ninja - Getting Things Done

I'm all scattered...

I spent all of last week and weekend moving my mom from a dungeon to a really nice 55+ community.  After spending so much time gutting my house - room by room... that's JUST what I needed.  Okay... maybe notsomuch.  But SHE did do a pretty good job when I wasn't around... because each day when I left, I gave her tasks.  I AM proud of my mother.  She managed to fill 6 gigantic yard bags with CRAP (she knows I call it this) for me to take to Goodwill.  I took them with me each day so that she couldn't dig through them and pull something out that I'd already semi-made her get rid of to begin with.  There was a method to my madness... and my  meanness.  

In all seriousness - my mom probably had 180 pairs of socks.  She kept at least 100 pairs (plus the drawer of them in her bathroom she didn't think I'd find).  She had easily 40 pillowcases - which she tried to claim were all for the dogs, but... the silk ones?  I don't think so mom.  Oh... and my dads' W-2 from 1966?  Pretty sure we don't need that anymore.  Gadzooks.

Then - she had some stuff worthy of getting her some $$ for so I spent the other half of my days cataloging, taking photos of, listing and organizing in my office and on my big table.  Craigslist and Ebay... here we come!  The very office and big table that I had FINALLY cleared off only weeks before were now piled high again.  <sigh>  It had to be done and to date about half of the items have sold, though all of the Beanie Babies are going to Africa to children who've never received or even SEEN a toy before and stuff that doesn't sell will go to Goodwill.

I can tell you this much - The Goodwill Guy is SICK of seeing me pull up in Black Betty.  Seriously.  He is.  Sick of it.  I promised him after we got her moved that I was done.  Done! Done! Done!  But the next bag is filling up.  So I will sheepishly shrug when this bag goes and tell him I really mean it this time.  And I will!

Then yesterday - #7 calls me from the pharmacy, trying to get a prescription filled and the pharmacy is having problems with the insurance info.  With The Dad going from contractor to Providence employee and insurance effective June 1 - I wondered if somehow his insurance had been cancelled early - so I then spent several minutes clearing that up, calling #7 back, giving him all of the info and that was all taken care of.  NEXT!

Or so I thought... next... I get a text from #7 saying that the insurance saved him .50 - cents... yes cents off of a $50 RX.  Uhhh... No.  Not possible.  So I spend the next hour and a half dealing with the insurance company who blamed Optum, then the pharmacy saying it should have only been $10 (which I knew) and that the only way to get the $$ back was to go through blah-blah-blah...  Okay.  Fine.  I'll do that.  But it wasn't quite how I intended to spend my morning.

And prior to THAT phone call yesterday - I was trying to secure rooms and get information about rooms/sizes/beds for a wedding coming up... but I got some gal from India (I thought this only happened in help desk phone calls) who constantly told me the names of OTHER wedding groups and not the one I needed.  I said several times... "Thanks, I'll talk to the party who made the reservations and call back."  To which she responded with the "Blake/Bryan group" and she could add me to that.  O.  M.  G.  I got the information I needed but my head was mentally fried so I waited until today to take care of that.  THANK GOD FOR CHRISSY at the front desk who spoke perfect english.

Just when I think I can get my stuff straightened up - now that some of moms mess is gone (with the exception of the CRAP in my garage) a baby Bambi goes running by... followed a few minutes later by a young german sheppard.  I feel like it might be my neighbors, but no... my neighbors would have a collar on.  But a car pulls up trying to help it so I go out to see if I can help - only to have the dog CHARGE ME with a ferocious bark.  Uhhh.... later days pup, you may be spooked and scared - but YOU just did the same to me.  So safely behind closed doors - I put in a call to the neighbor to let her know her dog may, or may not be out.  (It was her dog... and she's safe and sound now.)  Note to self:  Stay away from Betsy.  Which... is NOT a good name for her.  I'd try changing it to Cujo or Anni - short for Annihilation!  Yikes!

So now I'm done - knock on wood - with miscellaneous stuff and I can get my few little tasks done that I need to do around here in preparation for the sunny day tomorrow - which will beg me to get out and mow the backyard.  And it's all got to get done now - as we have house guests coming this week, a college grad party to help plan, a kid to pick up in Seattle...  and a family + some party to plan for Cabo 2013, Part 2.  I like the looks of this place - but The Dad had to ruin the dream by being all REALISTIC and everything... dadgummit!

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