May 25, 2013

It Won't Be Long Now... It Won't Be Long Now... ~Zach Sobiech

On February 22, 2013 I saw a story on TV about Zach Sobiech - who... if you don't know his story - you should...

After watching his music video online and logging into CaringBridge, I quickly went to iTunes and downloaded "Clouds", the song Zach wrote.  It's on my iPod now.  I subscribed to his moms' CB updates so that I could keep track of him - hoping upon unrealistic hope that there might be good news to report along the way.

This is the original video that prompted me to download the song:

Then on May 5th - Zach's mom posted that he had celebrated his 18th birthday AND made it to prom on May 4th.  Sooo... that's good news - right?  

But on Monday, May 20th - the Twitterverse blew up with the news that Zach had died that morning.  And that made me sad...  I was surprised by all of the tweets from people I know that didn't know about this or hadn't heard this story yet - but then, not everyone watches ESPN either and that's where I first saw the story.

Fast forward to this morning.  I woke up at 5:10 A.M.  Why?  I don't know.  Insane for a Saturday.  I went and fed the hounds at 5:36 A.M.  Why?  Because Boone would have wet himself if I didn't.  When I came back up and crawled into bed - I picked up my iPhone that iLove and checked email, the Spokesman, UStream and the baby eaglets in MN, Instagram and then The Twitter.  

In short order - I was bawling.  Bawling - by this new video that I hadn't seen yet but that the Huffington Post had tweeted.

This is 22 minutes of your life - but it's a very, very worthy 22 minutes.  

The Dad asked me, while still mostly asleep if I was crying and I sniffled as he rolled over and started snoring again.  Uhhh... gee... thanks for your compassion, dear.  But then, really... The Dad and I had never spoken of Zach Sobiech so I almost preferred this moment to myself AND not having to explain it to The Dad.

So The Dad gets home from playing racquetball this morning and I was busy restoring an iPod and old iPhone and The Dad asked me what video was I watching this morning that had me crying.  So...

WOTY:  "Oh.  Just a thing on Zach Sobiech"  (assuming he knew the story, even though we'd never spoken of it)
The Dad:  "Who?"
WOTY:  "Zach Sobiech.  You know... the kid that wrote the song Clouds."
The Dad:  "Huh uh.  What song?"
WOTY: (Becoming less wife-of-the-year like) I plug in my iPod to the external speakers and play him Clouds.  Then I tried with less patience to find the original video that made me download the song - but fearing he would start tapping away on his computer I just made him watch the second one above.  And I cried again.

So we clicked and tapped here a bit more and found the video that the family watches - that was put together by celebrities:

Which is so. very. cool.  And after I walked away... The Dad watched it again.  And then I watched it... again.

"What makes you happy... is seeing someone else smile because you put it there."
 - Zach Sobiech

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