November 28, 2012

Post 1 - Year 2 (Powerball & Starbucks)

I got home from work last night and after The Dad (please see original if you're new here) left for his racquetball match I remembered, after being  hunkered down in pajamas and snuggled on the couch with Boone and the other pups (sorry... Jack & Dan - don't want them to feel left out) I realized that I had neglected to stop and pick up Powerball tickets on the way home from work.  I mostly never ever play... but it would be stupid not to play for $553 million dollars.  

I got up off of the couch, sauntered back to the bedroom to re-dress in regular clothes, but then realized that pajama pants ARE regular clothes - so put on a pair of socks, jacket, scarf (lol... with pajama pants) and headed down to Albertsons.  I spent considerable time weighing all of the numbers I needed to play and came up with a plethora of combinations.  I'm sure I didn't leave any numbers out - but I did get one wrong.  On one of the lines I bubbled in all of my families current ages and on another line I darkened our "future" ages... which of course was easy to remember. The Dad turns 45 tomorrow (November 29), #7 and Wack turn 23 and 19, respectively - next Thursday and Blue Eyes... even though his birthday isn't for 4 more months - has a special #21 this year.

What ended up proving to be difficult for me - was not Wack, #7, Blue Eyes or my current ages... but I messed up on The Dads' current age on that particular line/ticket.  So...  when I 'splained this to The Dad when he got home, I told him that Nicholas Cage had errantly picked a wrong number in that movie he was in with Rosie and Bridget - and he won.  So, I'm pretty sure this means something.  It could mean we win.  It could mean we don't.  But it will mean one of those two things.

When I left Albertsons (pay close attention people with birthdays in December, January, February) I decided that since I was alone at home and work to do - that I would pick up a Starbucks drink aaannnnnddddd - while there, get my $5 Starbucks birthday gift cards.  I can't tell you how many I ordered - because I ordered one with a different amount for someone and then an assortment of cupcake cards, snowmen cards, holiday tree cards... but my total was $70 even.  Even Steven.  So I looked to my favorite Starbucks gal and said "Oh, but my drink isn't on there."  To which she replied:  "I just love that you do this for your friends and family... so you're drink is on me."

I didn't make out any better off - because her generosity and compliment made me feel, happy... and still... less worthy at the same time.  Made me wish I could give even MORE.  I can't explain it... So what did I do?  I threw what little cash I had in my wallet into the tip container.  

And Boom!... goes the dynamite.

"Passes it to the man... and..."

1 comment:

  1. Tami aka favorite Sis in Law : )November 29, 2012 at 7:44 PM

    Hey, my birthday is in December!! I know you know that, but just wanted to throw that out there!
    Love you! Love that what you are doing for birthdays!
